This morning during my early morning meditation time I cried as
I thought of my soulmate who is many miles away from me such
that I can't reach out and touch him as and when I feel like doing
so. I cried for the loneliness the distance between us induces, cried
for the times when I want to talk to him and can't get through
because of telecommunication link problems between Australia and
The tears streamed down and I let them flow as freely
as they would. As I let myself cry, I began to hear the many different
tones of my feelings. So the tears started with one feeling and took me
to other feelings. The crying helped me figure out just how important
my soulmate is to my life, to my sense of peace and to my happiness.
It made me vow to myself that the next time I manage to talk to him
over the phone I was going to savour every moment of the communication
and tell him just how much I value our relationship. This vow left me
feeling at peace with myself as if I had just heard a beautiful moving piece of
Tears are a wonderful gift that can open the way for our hearts to sing a song
with many parts. We have only to let them come to hear a song sung in
multi-part harmony. We undervalue tears, think they don't accomplish anything
yet they do accomplish something. They make us feel better by connecting us to
our feelings and forcing us to think of how to make ourselves feel better after
which we feel at peace with ourselves.
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