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Two weeks ago in my dreams there was a match between Highlanders Football Club and
Dynamos Football Club at Babourfields stadium. Results of the match were displayed at
the stadium after the match, Highlanders won 4-2. The Highlanders football fans who
wanted to celebrate soon after the match were told to stop celebrating until the results have been officially announced on ZBC by ZIFA and to ensure enforcement of this order some riot policemen could be seen walking around the city, threatening the fans by their mere presence. For days football fans waited for the announcement of the match results but ZIFA didn’t announce the results. The next thing the fans heard was that ZIFA was having unending meetings with Dynamos F.C. officials. Then there was talk that some ZIFA officials had been arrested. The next day the results were announced not by ZIFA but by a ZBC news reporter as a draw which needed a re-match at a later date to be announced. All football fans the world over were shocked by this announcement but contrary to the expectations of football fans from other nations, the local football fans did not protest against the call for a re-match of unannounced match results whose results had already been displayed anyway at the stadium soon after the match. They just kept silent.
The silence of victims, a silence that speaks volumes. A silence that tells a story of the love of peace above everything else, a story of a people who prefer to ignore provocation than to stand up and fight. The silence of fans who are not fanatic enough as to cause a paradigm shift in the way football is played and supported in their nation.
Some described these local football fans as too docile & too passive cowards who are
mentally or psychologically incorrect, they just didn’t understand why these fans were tolerating such treatment. In the dream, as a local football fan who will always stand up tall and be proud of who she is I stood up and told those people that, “You have to belong to this group of football fans to understand them and as one of them let me give you a clue as to why they act the way they do. Most of the local football fans live in a realm where they put their trust in the highest authority of the universe, God, and have faith that he will lead them out of any predicament that befalls on them due to earthly men’s deeds or should I say misdeeds. Most of the fans believe that nothing ever justifies violence and prefer to do things that have an advantage to their families than to do things that advantages the nation as a whole. It is hard for most of the fans to think of
protesting for football match results when the economy they live in is such that they are struggling everyday to put food with all the nutrients on the table, they would rather concentrate on feeding their families. There is however another group of fans who are livid with suppressed anger and are just waiting for someone to start the protests so that they join in and if that someone puts some fighting tools in their hands gone will be the peace that is the nation’s trademark.”
Damn, what a dream. When I woke up from this dream I had tears on my cheeks, I must
have been crying whilst giving the speech. I knelt down on my bed and gave thanks to
God for the gift of the spirit of discernment that he gave me and asked him to lead me to do the right things all the time and to give me the strength to use this gift to make a difference in the world I live in. After this short prayer i lay awake on my bed and started thinking about the dream. My thoughts concerning the dream can best be summarised with these few statements:, Peace is the next most sort after commodity after love and we should ensure that it prevails at all times and true nothing justifies violence. But none but ourselves can free ourselves from abuse, we should be the change that we want to see in the world & remember God helps those who help themselves. The statements above can all be fulfilled with passive resistance, there are so many subtle ways of protest without resorting to violence. Armed with truth and honor and with Jesus on one’s side there is nothing to fear in this world.
Let me now put it on record that I don’t choose what I dream about, dreams just happen. So if anyone feels provoked or intimidated by my dream, my sincere apologies. It being a dream I ask all forms of intelligence to take it as such, just a dream, and leave me alone with my dreams. Let no one victimise me over a dream that I had no control over.
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