Fairy tales like Snowwhite & the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast etc, where the first books that most of us read when we first learnt to read and understand what we had read. I remember bombarding my parents with a lot of questions when I first read Cinderella. There was something about that fairy tale that my small brain was trying to figure out.

Everybody knows Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, she made that quite clear. Everybody assumed she wanted the prince, but wanting a ball is not wanting a Prince. To think about a Cinderella who makes her wants and needs known beyond the intoxication of romance and magic is to wonder why no one ever bothered to ask her even if the glass slipper fit if she wanted to wear it. So I would ask my parents why no one was asking Cinderella what she wanted. Why was Cinderella not standing up against her evil stepmother and step sisters.? Why was the fairy Godmother no matter how well-meaning not asking Cinderella if she wanted to wear the glass slipper and if she wanted the Prince? Why was that at the ball the Prince did not ask Cinderella who she is and where she lives and then ask her out for a date? Then I would also wonder if Cinderella ever asked herself what she wanted besides going to the ball. Did she know what she wanted? If she knew what she wanted why didn't she save herself from the pathetic situation she was in instead of waiting helpless for the fairy Godmother and the Prince to save her without asking her what she wanted.

It was through these questions that I made up my mind that in my life I will be the only person who will figure out and say what the Cinderella in me wants and make sure I get what I want for myself in life. I somehow got the idea that if I don't do that I will remain bound in Cinderella rags or trip around in her silly glass slippers.
Through those questions I asked about Cinderella during my formative childhood years I became the person I am, who always asks herself what she wants and goes out to get it. I make sure that I write my own original life script and don't allow anyone (stepmothers or step sisters) to treat me like a doormat and hinder me from getting what I want. I don't allow any fairy Godmother to write my life script for me or any Prince to impose himself into my life just because I have danced with him at a ball. The Prince has not only to tell me that he loves me, he has to prove to me over and over again with actions that he does love me and ask me if I love him back. The Cinderella in me knows what she wants and will not let fairy Godmothers or a Prince (unless there is mutual love that has been spelt out and proven between the Prince and me) to dictate the path that her life takes, she dictates the path herself.
What questions do you ask as you go through life? It is those questions that shape you into the person you eventually become.

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