This is the last article that I am posting on this blog this year, am taking a break and you will hear from me again on the 2nd of January 2009. I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you who touched my life in 2008 a happy new year. A lot of people touched my life this year in their own unique, special and not always positive ways and I want to acknowledge all of them in this article, my last message in 2008 before I enter into 2009 which promises to be a year of new beginnings.

First and foremost my complements for the new year, 2009, go to my fellow Zimbabweans who touched my life in 2008 with their resilience and faith in God during the intense suffering we endured this year. As we look back along the long and arduous road we the people of Zimbabwe travelled in 2008, we can testify to moments in our pilgrimage when our faith was severely tested. This coming 1st of January 2009, New Year holiday, many of us will try to celebrate but it will be difficult to do so because we know deep down in our hearts that there is nothing in our country to celebrate and be joyful for. We have had our full share of the cutting of sorrow and grief in 2008 as our neighbors, friends and relatives died from hunger and cholera. We have experienced the wear and tear of trying to make ends meet in a hyper-inflationary environment. We have experienced the frustration and humiliation of queueing up at banks to get a very small amount of money that was not enough to feed our hungry stomachs, yet there was a lot of money in our bank accounts. And of course some of us might have faced the temptation to give up on life. On the 15th of September when the GNU power sharing deal was signed, the future seemed so full of hope, who would have known that three months down the line, nothing would have come out of it. Most people were excited then because they did not know that the Lord, our God, thought we were not done yet and was going to increase even more the temperature in the oven he put us into this year. As we approach 2009 and continue to be baked in the oven with no positive end in sight, let us keep our faith and hope, gain new insights, explore new wonders, question new manifestations before accepting them and call the nation to a vision still to be realised of sustainable development and a healthy economy. Whilst we thank God for the GNU leaders even though there is nothing to thank them for, we have a duty to raise questions about their competence as leaders of our nation, about their ability to bring about a total reconstruction of a land so severely brutalised. Let us together be locusts called Zimbabweans and work together as a team torwards coming up with New Year resolutions that are inclined torwards rebuilding our country. In 2009 let us change our attitude of passivity and docileness and empower ourselves with the freedom of expression so that we don't nurture dictatorship tendencies in our leaders. Let us reclaim our power as civil society to have a say in the way our country is run. Let us not be like sheep who follow blindly leaders who have shown over and over again that all they are concerned about is power and not the lives of Zimbabwean citizens. Let us withdraw our trust and loyalty to the leader who doesn't stand with us in sickness(cholera), in poverty & hunger and when we are being killed for supporting him and instead chooses to run away with his family to Botswana everytime we need his support the most. Let us await patiently for the right leader, ordained by God, who can lead us as a nation to that proverbial place in the sun, to emerge among us in 2009 and then pledge our full support for him instead of following any of the ineffective GNU leaders for the mere reason that we have no other better choice. In short let us ensure that 2009 is the year we stand up together as Zimbabweans with one voice that says, "Enough is enough," and advance in ranks torwards determining our own destiny.
In 2009 my concern for my fellow Zimbabweans will continue to be dictated by my Christian bias for the disadvantaged, marginalised, poor and ordinary people of God who are usually bypassed and sidelined. I will continue to be their voice and make sure that my voice is heard. I love you all Zimbabweans and wish you a happy new year.

Secondly, I wish to pass the complements of the new year to readers who take the time from their busy schedules to follow this blog and read what I write. Ladies and gentlemen our pursuit for peace, love and happiness unto the whole world continues. None but ourselves can bring peace, love and happiness into our lives and I have faith that in 2009 we will do just that. Let me take this opportunity to thank you readers for walking up the hill of 2008 with me. It wasn't an easy climb, what with recession shaking the roots of the US economy and as expected when giants fall, there was a domino effect that followed which affected the economies of every nation in the whole wide world. As a result, attaining peace, love & happiness in our lives became an uphill struggle and some nearly lost all hope had it not been for Barrack Obama whose message of the change we need in this world gave back hope to despairing souls. Obama made us all believe that, "Yes we can" and for sure we can. With Barrack Obama and his love for peace and happiness unto all nations and him being the most powerful man in the world as from the 20th of January 2009 by virtue of him being the President of the most powerful nation in the world, I believe that our vision for peace, love & happiness unto the whole world will soon be facilitated to become a reality by him. So dear readers there is so much to look forward to in 2009. Happy new year readers, I love you all and wish you lots of peace, happiness, prosperity and above all this lots of love in your lives in 2009.

Last but not least I wish to thank my daughters, my dad, my brothers, my cousins, my friends, all my relatives and Asha who made 2008 a fabulous year. I am hoping 2009 will be even better and we will continue with that love & family togetherness that enabled us to survive as Zimbabwe collapsed.

1) That I've made promises to and never kept - it was not deliberate, I got caught up in trying to make ends meet in a hyper-inflationary environment and I promise to improve in 2009.
2) That I owe lunches, dinners (there are many in this category), movies, night outs, etc., I'll fix that as well and make time for that as soon as our economy gets back to normal.
3) That have supported me and made me smile through all my hardships (especially my daughters Amanda & Emma, my friends Agnes, Chipo, Clemencia, Babra and Monika. )... I say "A BIG THANK YOU" and I hope you will be there for me in 2009.
4)Those I've disagreed with, argued with and just never got along with... well, its part of life, let's do some introspection & some soul-searching and get into 2009 with "a clear head"; hopefully we'll improve our level of tolerance and understanding with each other...I hope 2009 will be a better year for us.
5)Those that I've hurt... unintentionally or intentionally, my apologies...It was never a calculated action.
6)Those that stuck a knife in my back (You know who you are)... the past is all
forgotten... forgiveness is the best revenge (not that I am revenging, just saying)... and life goes on!!!...Hope 2009 will be better for us.
7)Those that have let me down(especially Dumi)... oh well... I should have known better...but I forgive you and still care about you , though not in an intimate way. Let us remain friends in 2009.
8) Those who truly love me (they know it in their hearts), I want to say to you, "You ROCK...and I wish you lots of peace, love & happiness in 2009." Lets rock 2009 like we did 2008.
happy new year 2009...