Eusebia blogging about peace, love and happiness which she values in her life.
I don't know about you but the only thing that brings me pain in this world is love. Funny how the very people we love the most are the very people that brings us the most pain. Funny how the person you truly love may not necessarily love you back but the one you have no feelings for may be the one who truly loves you. What do you do in that case, do you settle for the one who loves you but whom you have no feelings for or do you wait eagerly for a change of heart in the man you truly love but who at the moment does not love you back? If he doesn't love you back now, how do you know that he will ever change his heart when at the moment all you see is a hostile heart? If you settle for the one that you have no feelings for how do you know that eventually those feelings will grow through the love he will be showing you.? In such
a dilemna I suggest turning to Jesus and asking him to make the right man give you a sign that he is the man.
Eusebia pondering about the complexity of love.
Love is not to be underestimated, it is the most powerful emotion in this world that drives us to do things we would never dream of doing if our minds had control over matters of the heart. In my time I have innocently lied to protect the ones I love from being hurt. Out of love's jealousy I at one time sent two wrong extremely beautiful photos to an online lover just to make him give maximum attention to me and stop concentrating on the other women. In my pursuit for love I at one time left my home, my children and my work to meet a loved one in a foreign land only to be disappointed with the cold welcome I got when I arrived there. I have been hurt by Love over and over again so many times that I have lost count. The tears I have ever shed in my lifetime have always been a result of love gone bad, betrayed love, jilted love, neglected love, unrequited love, one-sided love, taken for granted love,
untrue love, unfaithful love, untrusted love, violent love, quarellsome love, abused love, misunderstood love, misconstrued love, suppressed love, unromantic love, uncommunicated love, ......... I could go on and on, the list is endless. I am beginning to wonder if the love I expect to receive from a man can be real or it will forever remain a dream that can never come true. Are my expectations from love too good to be true, are they unrealistic, what is realistic love like? Dear God, when will I ever find true love?
Eusebia wondering if love can ever be real or will forever stay in her dreams.
I have been made to believe that love is life and if you miss love, you miss life. And who on earth would want to miss life? I have been made to believe that love is an act of endless forgiveness for no human being is perfect and love forgives and accepts all those imperfections. I have been made to believe that love does not fall in love with the outer beauty but falls in love with the inner beauty so that when you are both old and wrinkled and the outer beauty has become history, the love will still stand. I have been made to believe that love is a game that two can play and both win and the minute it becomes a win-lose or lose-lose game it ceases to be love.
I have been made to believe that love is pulling together against all odds, it is a beautiful duet sung by two hearts in harmony with one another. I have been made to believe that love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance in a relationship and find out that you still care deeply for that person, for love is like a violin, the music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever. I have been made to believe that love is eternal, the aspect of it may change, but the essence remains the same, it is a symbol of eternity that wipes out all sense of time, destroying all fear of an end. Love is of God.
Eusebia wondering if what she has been made to believe about love is true.
If only God had made love easy to find, if only God had designed love to be a given with the right person meant for you once you reach 21years of age and made that love everlasting until death do you part. If only we humans could do without love, but we
can't do without it, it features in Maslow's heirarchy of the needs of human beings.
Love is just a word until you find someone to give it a meaning as that person showers you with love. Love is too strong a word to say it too early, and too beautiful a meaning to say it too late, if you miss saying it at that particular right time it looses its meaning. For it can be likened to a friendship that has caught fire, in the beginnng just a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce but still only light and flickering. As loves grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. How then does he expect her to quench all that love for him burning in her heart after it has become deep-burning and unquencable. Dear God, you made me out of you own image which means I am worthy to be loved just as you God is worthy to be loved so if I am worthy to be loved make the man whom I love and who loves me the way I want to be loved find me soon before I get too old to care.
Eusebia blogging her mind away as she tries not to think about love or the lack of it.
The good thing is with or without love, life goes on because the lack of love in one's life is not the same as having a terminal illness. We all need love but without it we can still survive though peace and happiness would then lack in our lives.
Hey Eusebia, I know love. Love is reciprocative.
ReplyDeleteNdini sekuru Ghody
no matter how painful love is to our life,we cant live with out it,so we pray to have tru love,so that we can have peace.