We are always putting things off for tomorrow, especially with people whom we love. We always postpone showing love with actions and rarely do we say, "I love you," to the one we love when the courting stage is over and he/she has declared his/her love and we are together in a relationship. In our minds we will be saying, "It's foolish for me to tell her/him I love her/him, she/he knows it." Even if she/he knows it, reassuring her/him everyday will enhance those love feelings. No one ever gets tired of being told that they are loved. Imagine how happy you would feel if every morning you pick up your coffee cup you find a little note underneath it that says, "You're incredible". Or imagine how special you would feel if you get a card, not on your birthday, not on Valentine's day, not on Mother's day or Father's day, that says, "My life is so much richer because you are in it." I don't know why we tend to postpone showing our love with actions like these. What if tomorrow never comes because we die or he/she dies? We will then live with regrets for postponing showing our love with actions when we still had the chance to do so. Losing a loved one is a hard way to learn that love is lived in the now. The time to say to him/her, "You're important to me, sometimes I don't say it, but you are. My life would be empty without you," is now. The time to reach out to him/her and live a permanent mark in his/her heart is now. The time to pour your heart out in person, in an email, in a letter, on Skype, Gmail Chat, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live, cellphone SMS message or in a phone call is now, for love is lived in the present and too important an emotion to waste by postponing saying it or acting it to tomorrow. Loving relationships depend upon everday open, honest, beautiful and intimate communication that makes the two of you continue to feel connected in mind, body and soul.
Let me end this Sunday article with these thought-provoking words.
I would rather have one little rose given to me when I am alive, than to have the choicest flowers, put on top of my casket. I would rather have a pleasant word in love said to me now when I am alive than a love-filled eulogy said at my graveside when my heart is still and my life has ceased to be. I would rather have loving smiles now from all those who love me, than love tears shed round my casket, when to this world I bid adieu. Show me love now when I am alive and bring me all your flowers now with love smiles on your faces and loving words to top it all. I want and need that love shown to me and said to me now, when I am dead it won't be of any use to me.
I am writing an article on the same theme. A song of adele inspired me to. You have quoted and written everything so beautifully. I adore this article.