The true value of life

The true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like, love, peace & happiness.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day with every person I come in contact with. I believe the little things matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of policies and politicians, I choose to remain an active positive force in helping to heal the world. You and I can heal the world.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Zimbabwe: The GNU has not lived up to expectations so far.

The Zimbabwean GNU has been in existence for over 100 days now and I have been digging deeply to find out what improvement it has done to the lives of Zimbabweans. My conclusion is that there is no improvement at all in the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans that can be credited to this GNU. Yes, the shop shelves are now full to the brim with all sorts of food stuff and luxuries, which are affordable and that is thanks to the dollarisation of the economy which made that possible. But this dollarisation of the economy happened before the GNU was formed and it is something that was inevitable considering that the hyper-inflated Zim dollar had been rendered practically useless by the abnormally high level of hyper-inflation that Zimbabwe's economy had reached. ZANU-PF is claiming credit for the dollarisation of the economy as if it is their great genius yet it was economic nature taking its course, the hyper-inflation bubble in Zimbabwe had become over-saturated and so had to burst and the only way forward after that economic burst could only be dollarisation of the economy. Besides how can one take credit for rebuilding what one had destroyed in the first place.

When the GNU was formed Zimbabweans were overjoyed because they thought its formation would result in the economically vibrant, politically correct, and socially enjoyable country of their dreams. As Zimbabweans celebrated the birth of the GNU they did so with the anticipation of experiencing a good lifestyle with all the neccessary amenities of the modern day world like a constant, reliable supply of clean running water and a constant, reliable supply of electricity without any blackouts or brownouts. They also thought the GNU would repair the potholed roads as well as expand the road network to cater for the increase in traffic from the time the old road infrastructure was built to now. They thought that the GNU would result in all the institutions in the country like schools, hospitals, banks and the different municipalities, industries and mines working efficiently and at full throttle. Zimbabweans are generally hard workers who take pride in earning an honest living so the high unemloyment rate in their country makes most of them very miserable and they thought the GNU was going to take them out of their misery by setting up many projects aimed at rebuilding the country and they could be employed on those projects. They thought that the GNU was going to kick start the economy and drive it to a rapid growth that would lift millions out of poverty. They thought the courts, which follow ZANU-PF's bidding would win complete independence resulting in a fair justice system. They thought that by now there would be the rule of law in Zimbabwe with the police which had become just another repressive branch of ZANU-PF having been redirected from fighting opponents of ZANU-PF to fighting crime and corruption. They thought that by now instead of a handful of cowed media, Zimbabwe would boast of a cornucopia of free media with competing television channels, newspapers and magazines practising the freedom of expression and catering for every conceivable taste and interest. A new constitution that they take part in drafting is what Zimbabweans expected from the GNU. In its heyday, Zimbabwe was the linchpin of stability in Africa and a model of rapid development and Zimbabweans thought that the GNU would bring it back to that state. They thought that formation of the GNU would attract donor funding and foreign direct investments as well as make international financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank agree to give Zimbabwe loans to rebuild the country. All this was only wishful thinking in the minds of Zimbabweans and its sad to say that after more than 100 days in power there is nothing tangible to show Zimbabweans that the GNU has made in-roads towards addressing all these problems that make ordinary Zimbabweans prefer to cross without any visa restrictions to South Africa to work and live there.

For now, most foreigners, donors, and financial institutions are regarding Zimbabwe as more of a cautionary tale with high risks than a good economic revival model. That is an economic judgement that the GNU should have reversed in its first 100 days, for the fate of this GNU rests on the economy and the fate of the economy rests on attracting foreign investments, donor funding and loans. The GNU should have harnessed its unprecedented mandate to try and make right everything that is wrong in Zimbabwe so that all potential investors and donors as well as Zimbabweans could gain trust in this GNU. The conclusion is that for whatever reason so far the GNU has failed to deliver what was expected from it. When a country fails to deliver it is its leaders, that is its President, its Vice-Presidents its Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers that face the blame. So with all due respect allow me to say that "Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Joyce Mujuru, Joseph Msika, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, A. Mutambara, Khuphe and all your ministers in the GNU you have failed Zimbabwe dismally so far."

Zimbabweans are beginning to doubt if any of these leaders have got the leadership qualities that can cause the much needed improvement in their country. They are beginning to wish that it was Simba Makoni at the helm of Zimbabwe, with his presidential leadership qualities he would definately improve the lives of Zimbabweans.

Let me conclude this article by confiding in you that as I wrote this article these two qoutes by Martin Luther King Jnr and Mahatma Gandhi respectively kept cropping into my mind, inspiring me and urging me to say the truth as it is in Zimbabwe.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
Martin Luther King Jnr, Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, Dec. 10, 1964

"Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained." by Mahatma Gandhi

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