The true value of life

The true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like, love, peace & happiness.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day with every person I come in contact with. I believe the little things matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of policies and politicians, I choose to remain an active positive force in helping to heal the world. You and I can heal the world.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why am I irritable sometimes?

Have been feeling irritable lately, tried to pinpoint exactly
why I felt the way I was feeling but could find no particular
reason. My love was in touch, constantly reminding me
of the love he feels for me, I could feel inner peace radiating
around me for I had dared myself to be myself and let out my
feelings by saying the truth about the situation at my workplace,
my home was filled with cousins who adore me and happiness
was in the house as well as within me, so what could possibly be
causing this irritability, I wondered.  So last night I sat down and
 got in touch with my inner self which is where I got the answer
to why I was feeling irritable. To my surprise when Dumi my love
called me this morning before I had said anything he said that
 he was feeling irritable. I marvelled at this connection that we
have which makes us feel emotions the same way at the same time,
extra sensory perception is what it is called.

You might be curious as to why we were both feeling irritable and
I won't go into detail about that because it is personal. All I can say
is that God made humans in such a way that when they love someone
they get some sexual feelings for that person and when those feelings
are not released one is bound to be irritable sometimes. But irritability
does not cause death so my love and I vowed to ourselves and to each
other that no matter how irritable we get as we stay apart we were
going to remain faithful to each other. We agreed that love
unaccompanied by fidelity and trust looses its meaning completely and
since we value our love more than any other human feeling we were
not going to do anything that undermines our love and trust for each

My love taught me that the power of love if combined with the power
of the mind and imagination through words lovingly spoken by the
one you love can actually result in the release of those sexual emotions.
We put it in practice and it works for us which explains why it is not
always that  we feel irritable even though we are distance apart, some
days we would have taken care of each other through phone

My dear friends now that  I have answered the questions you have been
asking behind the scenes concerning long distance relationships and sex
and sexuality with some trying to plant a seed of doubt in my mind
concerning how my man was managing his sexual emotions whilst apart
from me let me conclude by saying that I trust my man completely just
as I trust myself and so the seeds of doubt you tried to plant did not sprout.

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