The true value of life

The true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like, love, peace & happiness.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day with every person I come in contact with. I believe the little things matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of policies and politicians, I choose to remain an active positive force in helping to heal the world. You and I can heal the world.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Write your own original life script

Most of us are living according to scripts written by
other people, we are not original. We act not according
to how we really want to but according to how the society
we live in expect us to act, how our peers act or what
was instilled into our minds as we grew up or what the book
says. We are more concerned about conformity than about
being ourselves.

Conformity is a kind of mental slavery that restricts us
and hinders us from being creative. It makes us give up
fully utilising the gift of thinking that God gave us
humans by detering us from coming up with our own original
ideas because it causes us to think within the box always.
Conformity stumps our growth through entreprenuer

All inventions in the world comes from those who dare to go
against conformity and think differently. All progress
came from those who chose to question the status quo and
dared to be themselves by writing their own original life
scripts and living according to that script. 

In order to have extraordinary success you need to have a
questioning mind that is also action oriented as well  as that is
mentally emancipated from fear of non-conformity, prejudice,
defeatism and negative thinking.  You also need to be first in
something. Realise that you are a unique individual with a
unique arsenal of talents that no other person possesses and
you have your own mix of capabilities that you need to contribute
to the world which are different from everyone else's so refuse to
act like a clone of another person. Make your own permanent
mark in the world today by boldly going where no one else has
gone before and this you can only do if you dare to go against
conformity. Of course you'll face ridicule and sometimes loneliness
as you try to be different but make sure that that doesn't make you
sacrifice your success to appease society, your peers or whoever was
mentally enslaving you to conformity. Transform rather than conform.

Unfortunately our Zimbabwean culture over emphasises conformity
and this creates a serious mental hurdle in the fast changing global
village where one has to either innovate or face extinction. I
personally think that it is this over-rating of normalcy in our
Zimbabwean culture that causes us to be so passive instead of daring
to think differently and come up with solutions to our  economic
The current economic situation in Zimbabwe requires that we
think differently for us to cause a positive transformation
of it. We should challenge existing mindsets and question
current economic policies and practices  which brought us this
 far down in the economic ladder and encourage creativity and
change. If the conventional wisdom of sticking to tried and 
tested economic policies and using them to solve our economic
problems is not working for us  then what we need to do is chart
our own economic revolutionary future by identifying the best
solution for our particular economic situation. Conforming
to conventional wisdom can be a constraint on the free fall
of ideas that is neccessary for the economic turnaround
that we badly need in this country.

True peace and happiness comes about if we dare ourselves
to be our true selves not what someone else wants us to be.

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