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It has been sometime since I last wrote on my blog, the reason being because
there were a lot of issues in my life that made it impossible for me to find time
to sit still and concentrate on writing on my blog. The issues are still there but
I have got used to them and have left them in God’s hands so that he takes over
all the issues. It was only yesterday that I did that and today here I am back on
my blog writing my mind away. Gone is the feeling of restlessness and the
endless search for a breakthrough. In its place is the peace and joy of having
faith that somehow God will provide a solution. I have faith in God the provider who
has an amazing grace and believe that come month end I will get accommodation to
rent in Zimbabwean dollars in any of the low density areas around Harare.
During the past interlude when I wasn’t posting anything new on my blog because
of issues in my life, during one of my early morning meditations I marveled at
the beauty and balance of life. I thought about how there is much about life that
doesn’t seem to correspond with personal problems of unfairness and hardship.
For all that is hurtful and unequal, there is beauty and balance at a later time. For
moments of stress and restlessness, there are times of harmony and peace at a later
time. As age-worn bodies succumb to pain and weakness, children and young animals
play with carefree joy. Each sunset and dawn provides an answer to nature’s need for
rest and renewal. Dark nights and cold winters come with the awareness that “this too
shall pass.” I then came to the conclusion that if there is nothing beyond the grave then
the pattern of nature is stunningly incomplete. I also came to the conclusion that the
economic crisis in my country will also follow the pattern of nature and one day come
to an end otherwise the pattern of nature will be stunningly incomplete. But most
important of all I also came to the conclusion that the immigration-enforced separation
between my soulmate Dumi and I will also one day come to an end and be replaced
with the peace and joy of knowing that the one you love is within reach for you to have
and to hold as and when you want. Having made these conclusions I then decided to
tolerate the thorny moments in my life with the underlying knowledge that “these
thorny moments too shall pass,” and the result was a sense of peace that enabled me to
start writing on my blog again.
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