of power. I am not into politics, am just a peace lover and these happennings in the country I live in had me crying for hours.

A group of men came hunting for 22-year-old Memory Marume, a married mother-of-two. They burst into her home, seized her and her children, and took them to their temporary headquarters in the local village school. She told me how on arrival at the school (which she had attended as a child), she had been ordered to sit in the playground with a group of supporters of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) - the opposition party led by Morgan Tsvangirai. On the dot of 8am, the beatings started. Groups of eight people at a time were ordered out for treatment at the hands of a band of around 200 members of Green Bomber militia, each wearing Zanu-PF T-shirts and green, red and yellow bandanas signifying the national flag. Many of them were high on drink or drugs. She watched as four of her close friends were beaten and kicked to death. A fifth friend later died, and others remain unaccounted for. The militia men chanted songs and spat insults at Morgan Tsvangirai as they did their work. They told Memory, whose farmer husband was away: "You and your husband are MDC members so we must beat you.' They said that she belonged 'to a party of animals". Four men held down her arms and legs, while a fifth gripped her head, placing his hands over her mouth to prevent her screams being heard. Two others, wielding heavy wooden poles, then took turns to thrash her on the buttocks in a beating that lasted half an hour. Memory told me how she could hear her children screaming "Mamma, Mamma, Mamma!" during her beating. They were held back by female members of Zanu-PF. Later, Memory was ordered to sit for two hours on her wounds. The political thugs told her she would be thrashed again if she moved a muscle. "We spent the day without eating or water in the hot sun," she told me. "If we asked for water, they said: 'Get your water from Tsvangirai'." Believe it or not, just by being alive, Memory is one of the lucky ones. This is but one woman's experience of the work of the devil incarnate and his cohorts, there
are many others whose experiences are even more horrific and remain untold because of fear. Reporting such cases to the police does not help, they simply turn a deaf ear and government officials have the audacity to appear on national and international media denying that such atrocities are happenning, yet they are indeed happenning. Our eyes see, our ears hear, our mouths speak and our brains work.
Memory is at Westend Hospital as we speak and her husband who was in hiding was caught by the same devils who crashed her buttocks and had his private parts turned to pulp.
For more photos of this kind that show the extensive barbaric acts being perpertrated by Zanu PF green bomber
militia to MDC supporters in the rural areas you can visit the following website, http://www.flickr.com/photos/sokwanele/
Here is another poem I found about the recent xenophobic attacks in SA.
I might not be a South African
But I'm black; my skin is the same as yours
My colour is the same as yours
My genes are African, nothing but African
When your leaders were beaten by whites
I was there to shelter them
I was patient with them
I offered them food, shelter,
Most of all, I offered them protection
Oh okay, I might be a South African
I can't speak Zulu, because I'm Venda
I can't speak Zulu, because I'm Shangaan
I don't know what an elbow is in Zulu
As much as you don't know it in my language
Since when was Zulu the only South African language?
Yes..........I'm not from Gauteng
I was not born here, but I'm South African
Where should I go if you beat me?
I'm not beating your father, mother, brother or sister who works at my
area in the mines
I'm not calling them makwerekwere though they can't speak my language.
I might be dark in complexion
I might have the foreigners looks
I might have the foreigners body structure
Now I am scared to go to the only place that I call home
I'm scared of working down the street without my ID
Whites wanted me to do that centuries ago
Now you, my black brother is acting white
Why should you Black South Africans do this?
What makes you think that you better than me?
Who told you that I'm responsible for your unemployment?
Who told you that I'm less human
If I need to go back to Venda........let all the Zulus go back to KZN
Let all the Tswana's go back to Botswana
Let all the Sotho's go back to Lesotho
Let all the Ndebele's go back to Kwandebele
Let all the Xhosa's go back to Eastern Cape
Yes..........let all the Swati's go back to Swaziland
Is this not ignorance?
Your unemployment is your responsibility
Use your intellect
Get up and work
Let education empower you
Seek humanity
Before 1994 you blamed whites
Now you are blaming me
Who are you going to blame after chasing me away?
Who are you going to blame after killing me?
For what it's worth..........
I'm sorry I was not born here
I'm sorry I can't speak Zulu
I'm sorry for being too dark for your Joburg
I'm sorry for cleaning the toilets you don't want to clean
I'm sorry for doing your garden
I'm sorry for repairing your shoes
I'm sorry for protecting your leaders while they were in Exile
Yes..........what you call Exile..........is my country
And most of all.......I'm sorry for building South African
Please my brothers let there be peace and prosperity amongst black
African people.
Clemencia we were with you in our minds, hearts and in our prayers when we heard about the xenophobic attacks in SA. We also made sure we would text you everyday just to hear how you were coping and we are happy that the worst of those attacks is over and you are no longer afraid to get out of your house. It's very unfortunate that you had to see Memory's horrific backside soon after living in fear of the xenophobic attacks. I can imagine how you must have felt to realise that the place you call home which you thought you could always run to if the attacks got worse in SA was not as safe as you thought it was. Take it easy Clemencia, we are praying very hard for our nation and have faith that there is going to be peace again in our nation, mwari haatirasise.
ReplyDeleteWe are also praying that nothing happens to Seby, she is just a simple woman who is struggling with the hyperinflation in the country like most Zimbabweans and wants to see things getting better in the nation. For your own information she is so not into politics that she didn't even vote in the last elections and when I asked her why she said that 1) neither of the parties had come up with a convincing election manifesto and a vision for Zimbabwe that she could relate to, 2) what she is interested in is not who is going to rule the country but how it is going to be ruled and she has no idea how each of the leaders intend to economically turnaround the nation, they all didn't make that very clear to her, 3) she is prepared to work with anyone whom the people vote into power to restore the nation she loves to good health. So when we were standing in queues to vote she was at home, busy cleaning her house. No person in his or her right mind would want to hurt such a simple, innocent, peace-loving, God-loving and intelligent person like Seby. Besides she hasn't done anything wrong, simply wrote the truth of what is happening in the rural areas.
Clemencia the poems you pasted are interesting in their truth.
ReplyDeleteMy comment on the poem, " WHEN DARKNESS DESCENDS" is this one.
Darkness has indeed continously descended on Zimbabwe and there are government officials intend on making sure that light never comes into Zimbabwe again, Memory's vandalised backside is proof of that. When I saw those holes where her buttocks are supposed to be it touched the inner core of my heart and I vowed to myself that I wasn't going to keep quiet about it, was going to let the whole world know about it through the internet. My friends Clemencia and Chipo you all seem to be trying to justify on my behalf why i posted Memory's photograph on my blog and sounding as my apologists in the process while Agnes and Barbra keep calling me to remove that article on my blog for my own good but you know what my dear friends as much as I value my life and understand how you and many other people love me I refuse to join the club of silent Zimbabwean direct and indirect victims, I will not keep quiet when I see wrong things being done to my fellow Zimbabweans. I believe I have done nothing wrong so no one will want to harm me, God will protect me if anyone tries, he will not let darkness descend on me.
To the I MIGHT NOT BE A SOUTH AFRICAN poem I want to add a few verses that reflect a piece of my mind about the xenophobic attacks.
I might not be a South African but I deserve to be treated with love and respect because all I am doing in SA is try to earn an honest living something that I failed to do in my own country because of the bad economic situation there, and by earning a living in SA i am helping in making your SA a better nation. I am sorry for accepting to be used as cheap labour in your SA and thereby being chosen to do part time work instead of you a South African but that little money which you a South African refuse to work for if converted to Zim dollars can feed my family back home for a whole month.
I refuse to apologise for my determination, competence and excellence in every work given to me because that happens to be qualities that set every Zimbabwean apart from other Africans which I am very proud of and which makes me get the job in your SA instead of you a South African. I refuse to apologise for making use of globalisation to market my qualifications in your SA which happens to be a more developed nation than my country and offers a much better lifestyle, who doesn't want a beautiful life in this world.
I am sorry for the economic problems in my country that is making us Zimbabweans come to live in your country when you hate us so much as to set us on fire.
I am sorry for thinking that you loved me as your neighbor and that I could turn to you for refuge when things get tough in my own country. I am sorry for buying and eating food in your country that should otherwise had been bought and eaten by a South African like what one of your MPs complained about in your parliament recently. I am sorry South Africa for being such an unwanted burdern to you, but that doesn't make me deserve the xenophobic attacks you subjected me to. But you know what SA, i forgive you for all the beatings, maimings, killings and the setting alight of me and my belongings because you probably thought it was alright for you to do that to me having seen my own fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers that belong to Zanu-PF doing that to my rural relatives. Both you South Africans responsible for those xenophobic attacks and those Zanu-PF green bomber militia and the men sending them to do that and the police allowing them to get away with doing that are being used by the devil and I feel pity for all of you.
Seby you have said it all and you are so right. The verses you composed about the xenophobic attacks made me shed some tears and sit quietly for a while pondering about how life for the ordinary Zimbabwean has become a nightmare. At home unsafe, beaten up, maimed or killed for your political opinion by ZanuPF green bomber militia, not free in your own country, struggling to make ends meet, starving and when you move South in search of a better life there, exploited as cheap labour, called names (makwerekwere), mugged most paydays, a knife or a gun pointed at you when you least expect it, hated to the extend that your belongings and you are set on fire, beaten, maimed or killed. " Anyway, "Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do. But tell me Lord why have you forsaken us Zimbabweans."
ReplyDeleteI am safe here in UK but hey what is happenning to my fellow Zimbabweans back home and in SA is really hurting me and causing me many sleepless nights. Yes it is really affecting me but not to the extend yekunyima Ike. I wont make that mistake asikana, loneliness ndinoiziva ini, don't want it to visit me ever again.
I have now recovered from the way Memory's photograph made me ill andt this is my addition to the poem WHEN DARKNESS DESCENDS....
ReplyDeleteTrue the Zimbabwean nightfall nourishes the most undesirable elements in the nation- rodents, slimy characters like the ZanuPF green bomber militia and all manner of evildoers. Corrupt and power hungry Zimbabwean government officials find a camouflage for their nefarious activities, as do muggers, murderers and other criminal elements. This is the time that they sent the green bomber militia to hunt MDC supporters in the rural areas and subject them to the kind of beatings that Memory went through.
True nightfall continues endlessly in Zimbabwe at the hands of government officials who take pride in chanting that, "Zanu ndeyeropa" , as if that is the same as saying, "Zanu ndeyemweya mutsvene." The year that they changed the national anthemn from the one that said, "God bless Zimbabwe," to the one that talks about how blood was shed in Zimbabwe, our economic problems in the country started. How can nightfall not descend on Zimbabwe when those ruling the nation by ginya are hell bent on the shedding of blood (the way they made blood ooze from Memory's backside) instead of asking God for guidance as they lead the nation.
Darkness has indeed descended on Zimbabwe and its dejav'u, history repeating itself. The way Ian Smith's soldiers used to beat our rural relatives during the guerilla war for Zimbabwean freedom is the way ZanuPF green bomber militia is now beating rural MDC supporters. So what was the point of fighting the whitemen when you are going to do to your fellow blackmen exactly what the whitemen was doing to them if not worse.
It puzzles me why darkness continues to descend on us Zimbabweans when we are such a peace-loving, God-loving, hard-working, tolerant, forgiving and resilient lot. Is it because evil people take advantage of our good nature? Is it because all those virtues of ours are interpreted as cowardice, passiveness, stupidity or weaknesses by dubious characters.
For how long are we going to live with this darkness, how long are we going to let the darkness descend on us while we keep quiet and carry on with our lives pretending that everything is okay. For how long are we going to live in fear of speaking out our disgust at the way our rural relatives are being mistreated. For how long are we going to expect the SADC, AU, NEPAD, APRM and UN to solve our problem for us while we the people affected directly do nothing about the problem.
For how long are we going to accept every price that a business person puts on his/her goods even if the goods are not worth that much. For how long are we going to accept the every other day rise in
commuter fares with just a simple response saying, "Zvatangarinhi nhai mukuwasha." How long are we going to joke about the hyper-inflation with its 50billion notes, maximum so far, when we can't even buy much with such a note.For how long are we going to continue smiling while we see a bleak future for our kids.
Zimbabweans its about time you wake up and smell the coffee.
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