I sat and pondered about life and the way mine has been unfolding lately
and realised that we cannot avoid pain, however hard we try. But we can
avoid joy. We cannot escape hardship and trouble, but we can miss out on
much of life's peace and laughter. I don't want to avoid joy, I don't
want to miss out on life's peace and laughter, so to ensure my joy, peace and
laughter during these stormy days of my life I make sure that daily I spend
time doing something I enjoy, I do all those things that bring me inner peace
like listening to soft music and taking solitary & leisurely walks admiring
nature, I laugh heartily and frequently about the humourous side of life,
I cultivate an attitude of hope, I fill each day with as much love as it can
possibly hold and most important of all I find time to talk to God. At the end
of it all I still have plenty of problems, but through it all, I find all the
joy, peace and laughter I will ever need. No one can live without joy. But
many people try. And the reason is often simply because they don't know how to
be happy! They are so intent on the three P's - power, prosperity and prestige
that they miss out on joy, peace and laughter.
There are many situations in life that make me angry but I realise
that anger is just one letter short of danger, it seems to be as true
in English as well as in practice. Not that we should never be angry.
It is a normal part of life. We all get "worked up," "overheated" or
just plain "hopping mad" at times. Those closest to us know it best.
The good news is that simply getting angry does not seem to be the
problem. Well-directed anger can be a helpful emotion. But staying
angry is dangerous -- to our health and to our relationships. So I
have learnt ways to move out of the danger zone of my anger, when I
feel as if anger is running the show. Uncontrolled anger will take over,
so I control it. I don't keep it in and let it fester, I talk it out.
Helplessness will only provoke more anger and, eventually, despair so I
do what needs to be done to resolve the situation. Just as there is a
starting point for anger, there must an ending so I make sure that I end
the anger. It can help to remember that for every minute we're angry, we
lose sixty seconds of happiness and sixty seconds of peace. The sooner we
get out of the danger zone of our anger, the sooner we can get back to truly
I find myself busy keeping my body going - but I know it is just as
important to feed my spirit. Even if all I have is a morsel of hope,
for today that just may be enough. Jean Kerr once said, "Hope is the
feeling you have, that the feeling you have, isn't permanent."
Because of events in my life these days, I am surviving on hope and
hope alone. Hope is what we have when we know that we will
eventually survive the night and bask in sunshine once again. It does
not deny the present darkness, but it reminds us that dawn is coming.
I am amazed at the strength of the human spirit. It seems to run
forever on nothing but a morsel of hope. But it still must be fed.
Some see situations as they are, I see them as they can be. Some see
people as they are, I see them as they can be. And some see themselves as
they are, I see myself as I can be. When we look beyond the present reality,
dismal as it may seem, and set our sights upon the best that is within a
situation or a human being, then, too, what we see will come to be. And we'll
know the power of hope.
I love art and am in the habit of moving from one garage sale to another
looking for paintings and large photographs that I find interesting. Recently
I came across a photograph taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson. It is a shot of a
poor section of Spain in the 1930s. The picture depicts a run-down alley
surrounded by decaying walls, strewn with rubble randomly stacked in thick
piles lying on the street, and riddled with bullet holes dotting gray walls.
The setting alone evokes feelings of sadness and despair.
But then...the contradiction. Within the grim alley children are
playing. They wear dirty and tattered clothes, as one might expect in
such a setting, but like playing children everywhere, they laugh with
carefree joy. In the foreground, a tiny boy on crutches hobbles away
from two other boys, his face lit up with a broad grin. One boy is
laughing so hard he has to hold his side. Others lean on the cracked
walls, beaming with delight. It is the contrast and the point in the photograph
that I find interesting..... Joy amidst the rubble of life. Laughter amongst life's
ruins. When life gets stormy as it sometimes does, I look at this picture and
can't help but start smiling.
Oh yes, life has its ups and downs.
ReplyDeleteI have my own way of pulling through the downs of life and ensuring I don't miss out on joy, peace and laughter. It's so easy for me to do that when TGJ is always there for me when I need him and he is one person who can bring me out of any sadness I might be feeling, he is such a blessing to my life who makes joy, peace and laughter in me come out in full force. Seby its true that most of the time you exude so much joy, peace and laughter but there are times when you look so sad and I know why. I know how lonely you feel with Dumi so far away that you can't reach out and touch him. You are such a strong, disciplined woman Seby and I admire the way you manage to be happy even when you are ill or going through loneliness and the downs of life. I am trying to rewind all the time I have known you Seby and look for one instance when I have seen you angry and I can't find a single one. Which goes to show that you know how to deal with your anger. On the other hand I being the spoiled brat that I am who grew up always getting her own way get angry ever so often when life doesn't go the way I want it to but in no time that anger will be gone and I will be my normal happy self again. TGJ and the kids know that they have to keep quiet and not giggle when I get angry and wait for a few minutes to reason with me when my anger subsides.
Seby there is a picture of Jesus on the cross that stares at me everytime I walk into your house and I swear, that Jesus on the picture bates his eyelids when I look at him. I love that picture so much.
Agnes you are right, it's so easy to experience joy, peace and laughter when you have a hubby beside you to share life with. God never meant for us to trudge through life alone, we all need someone to give us the emotional support that friends and children can not. Friends and chidren can only do so much but there are times when we need a passionate hug and a shoulder to lean on and friends and children become inadequate. Am talking from my own experience during the many years I was alone before I met Ike, then joy, peace and laughter used to be rare visitors in my life but now with Ike beside me they are permanent visitors. I don't have to make an effort to experience joy, peace and laughter, it just happens naturally.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Seby, anger is really a dangerous emotion to live with because just like hatred, bitterness and jealousy it is a hard taskmaster which not only robs of joy, peace and laughter from those subjected to it but also to those living with it. I bet it was anger, hatred and bitterness that drove those South Africans to perform those xenophobic attacks, goes to show how dangerous it is to keep negative emotions unchecked.
I am happy that these days I never get any reason to be angry, used to get so raving mad in my past marriage that at one time I smashed the windscreen of my ex-husband's car. Seby had to give me a lecture on how to deal with my anger in a positive manner. When I was reading this article those memories came back and I felt happy that I no longer feel hurt by those memories, am completely emotionally healed, thanks to Ike's love for me.
Talking about paintings and photographs I remember your passion for those and how you used to drag me from one second-hand shop to another looking for a unique painting and photograph and how I would not see the beauty in those you eventually chose. I miss those days.
Blessed is a woman who can remain at peace amidst the rubble of life and laugh and be happy amongst life's ruins. That is only possible to someone who is engulfed with the Holy Spirit. Life can be a jerk, shit happens in life resulting in all sorts of negative feelings welling up in our hearts, minds or souls and stealing joy, peace and laughter from us in the process. It is up to us to claim the joy, peace and laughter back in our own unique ways. I personally have a problem with worrying about issues in my life which I know is a result of over-thinking. For example I worry about the rising price of petrol and how it is going to use up all our disposable income and dip into our savings. This is how i always claim my joy, peace and laughter back. I make an effort to change negative feelings to positive thoughts. I spend time with supportive, up-lifting family and friends. I make a list of my fears and self-doubts and acknowledge them and think of ways to overcome them. I have also learnt that looking at other people's problems and realising that everyone faces challenges makes me feel better.
ReplyDeleteAgnes and Babra let us not pretend as if marriages are always full of joy, peace and laughter, the truth of the matter is that they are not always like that. Uneven is the path of true love, normal marriage relationships always have both stormy and sunny sides to them and it is the way the two of you handle the stormy sides that determines how long the marriage will last. Oh yes, the sunny sides of marriage bring so much joy, peace and laughter that I find myself wishing I could freeze those moments so that they stay with us for ever. What brings me so much joy, peace and laughter in my life is the way Dave and I have managed to overcome all the obstacles that we came across in our relationship and how it made us stronger in love and appreciation of each other. There were times when we got angry with each other of course but we never let the anger take over, we wait until we calm down and then talk things over and then come to an understanding.
Seby I love that sexy three dimensional painting in your bedroom that brings out all sorts of ideas appropriate for the bedroom. The way the man and woman are looking at each other says it all. That is a master piece.
Joy, peace and laughter amidst the rubble of life or amongst life's ruins is not at all easy especially when one has no hope that the situation will change. Like what Seby said, if you look beyond the present reality,
ReplyDeletedismal as it may seem, and set our sights upon the best that is within a situation or a human being
then you will have hope that the situation will change and it becomes easy to experience joy, peace and laughter amidst the rubble of life. Chipo yes those engulfed by the Holy Spirit do experience joy, peace and laughter amidst life's ruins but I beg to disagree that they are the only ones who can experience that. Anyone is capable of that, it's all in the mind.
I am sure we all know of someone in our life or an unavoidable situation, like in our work place, that causes us much grief. It may be a person with a know-all attitude - always trying to prove you wrong, or a person who loves to shoot poisoned arrows at you, particularly in company. In short, a person who drags you down rather than uplifts you, leaving behind turmoil rather than a blessing. It is such people that steal away my joy, peace and laughter. I have learnt to deal with such hostile people by stoping before I react and thinking how God would want me to respond. Then the golden rule which Jesus gave us to live by in Matthew 7v12 comes to mind, "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." I have also learnt that speaking kindly to hostile people often brings a complete change in their attitude. One such experience I had was with a saleslady in Foschini, some posh botique here for the elite. I was looking for an evening dress to wear for the home-coming party that Ike & Babra threw here in December and asked her to show me the section where I could get my size, instead of showing me, the saleslady said, " Mum you are lost this is Foschini and we only sell expensive fashion and accessories here." She had looked at my untreated hard mashona type mufushwa hair and sized me up as a woman who can't afford to buy in Foschini. Ignoring her decidely unfriendly and abrupt attitude I continued to speak to her in a kindly manner. It did not take long before this saleslady changed her attitude completely and became very helpful and polite. To make a statement to her that she should not look down upon people, I bought five items in that shop that day with her serving me whilst she was very embarrassed of her earlier attitude. Because she looked unwell, I wondered whether ill health could possibly have been the cause of her initial hostility. I strongly believe that the underlying cause of hostility is mostly due to unhappiness and a sign that that person needs to be treated lovingly which is exactly how I respond to that person.
Friction in marriage as well as outside marriage is as old as the human race, and will be part of our lives while we live on planet earth. The fact that we have different temperaments as well as home backgrounds, are all causes for friction which may result in anger and resentment but like what Seby said it is important to keep our anger in check or else it will completely take over your life. I rarely get angry, in fact I don't remember the last time I got angry, have never gotten angry in my marriage because Tendai and I always disagree agreeably.
Agnes that picture of Jesus in Seby's house inondichonya, he does bate his eyelids if you look at him and I once asked Seby about it and she said it does that to everyone depending on the angle from which you are looking at it. Isn't that as wonderful as God's great art in this beautiful universe. Then there is that pair of pictures in Seby's house that show two little children crossing a wooden bridge with some missing planks and an angel in the background making sure that they cross safely. In the other picture the children have passed safely the area of the bridge with the missing planks and the angel is flying away. I love looking at these pictures, they always make me smile and marvel at how God always looks after us.