When all hope is gone, all we are left with is praying to God. Charles Charamba said it perfectly in one of his songs, "Inohaisi nguva yekutsvaga wamwe wana mazvikokota, inguva yekushevedza Mwari, nokuti tikasamudeedza yapararara nyika." True, this is not the time to sit and talk about how life is going to be intolerable for us the common people with more sanctions looming and making us a pariah state, this is the time to call for Jesus because if we don't we are all going to die of hunger and the country is going to
lie in ruins like the Zimbabwe Ruins.
I had a prophetic vision about Zimbabwe at church yesterday in which I saw Zimbabwe being depicted as a fruit tree which has been completely destroyed. The Bible verse, Joel 1V4 immediately came to my mind to describe the Zimbabwean friut tree that has been destroyed, " That which the palmerworm hath left, hath the locust eaten and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten." Zimbabwe used to be a healthy tree with perfect fruit. Every gift and fruit of
the Holy Spirit was manifested in Zimbabwe, love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. The perfect tree that was Zimbabwe then was rooted and grounded in ethics, professionalism, efficiency, hard work and above all faith in God. Every limb, branch, leaf and fruit was in perfect state and strength. What glorious days of harmonious unity and love we enjoyed during that time as all institutions functioned efficiently and there was no inflation to talk about. Those were the days when the country flowed milk and honey and it was the bread basket of Africa. How we have often wished that we had stopped people from destroying the perfect tree of Zimbabwe.
The falling away and destruction of the perfect tree of Zimbabwe did not occur in one day. It was a gradual deterioration accomplished day by day and stage by stage. One day the palmerworm appeared in the form of greed and corruption by the government ministers and top officials, eating and destroying the tree as they designed and selected uneconomical projects that created opportunities for financial kickbacks and abused their office by fostering their own monopolistic access to markets and they misappropriated confidential information for their personal gain. So as the days went by the gifts and friuts of the Spirit on the Zimbabwean tree began to disappear from view as unselfish love, ethics, professionalism and peace were attacked by the palmerworms who then grew bolder and bolder day by day. The fruits of the Zimbabwean tree began to disappear from the staunch and upright tree. This state of less fruit was indeed a condition worthy of lamentation, but the pity of it all is that the devastation did not stop with the havoc started and wrought by the palmerworms. Other years and other worms joined in the work of destruction where the palmerworm had left off. Some Zimbabwean citizens saw the greed and corruption being inflicted on the Zimbabwean tree by the ministers and top officials who were supposed to be exemplary to the nation and lost all trust in them and this down-streamed lack of trust in the country's leadership infuenced some of them to also partake in corrupt illicit deals. Thus the locust started to destroy the leaves of the Zimbabwean tree
as some Zimbabwean citizens started to make illicit payments of "speed money" to officials in the different institutions in the country to facilitate fast transactions or to prevent the application of rules and regulations especially with regard to law enforcement and revenue collection. It was a sad day when the locust had done its work and the leaves were stripped from the tree but that was not to be the last of the destruction, that which the locust had left the cankerworm ate. After the fruit and the leaves had been destroyed, the cankerworm immediately made his appearance and began his work upon the branches and tender shoots of the tree. This destructive insect is an allegory of all those who threw ethics, professionalism and efficiency out of the window because of the toll of hyperinflation which made them resort to unclean ways of making a quick buck. It also represents the businesses that resorted to charging exorbitant prices for their goods and services, prices that were unjustifiably high and gave them profits as high as 200% to 500% and overstretched the pockets of the ordinary Zimbabwean who then had to resort to illicit corrupt deals to make money so as to keep up with the high cost of living. The blackmarket flourished as business managers preferred to sell their goods outside the normal outlets so that they could make some individual gains from the sells. Most Zimbabweans were rubbed the wrong way by the toll of hyperinflation and no longer live above the world and sin, they no longer walk the narrow path, so long enjoyed by the children of the Lord. As the sap, the life of the tree, was consumed and the branches rotted more and more, things that used to seem unethical or sinful appeared unethical or sinful no longer. The sinners that used to bar themselves outside the doors of the Church now leaned back in comfortable contentment in the cushioned pews and tithed handsomely with their unclean bucks. Christians lowered the high starndard of holiness unto the Lord which they had been holding aloft. Now it trailed bedraggled and unnoticed in the dust. The Holy Spirit as a gentle dove was squashed, grieved and stifled until he silently withdrew his wonder-working manifestations on the Zimbabwean tree. The result is in Joel 1V16 , food, joy and gladness were withheld from our nation. It was not long before the trunk and the roots of the Zimbabean tree began to decay and the caterpillar made his nest in the decayed and rotted hollows of the tree. That which the cankerworm had left became food for the caterpillars. The caterpillars were in the form of anyone who took advantage of the destroyed unhealthy Zimbabwean tree to meet his or her own selfish needs and in so doing further destroyed the nation. Corruption spread in the administrative domain which included among others, nepotism, cronyism, ghost workers on public payrolls, collection of unauthorised fees, falsification and destruction of records, arbitrary administrative action and circumventing established procedures and regulations. In the judiciary corruption appeared in the form of the executive branch pressurising judges to give verdicts not based on justice but on political expediency. Corruption generated economic distortions in the public sector by divertitng public investment away from essential sectors such as education and public health into capital intensive projects where bribes and kickbacks are more plentiful. It became not uncommon for officials to increase the technical complexity of public sector projects to conceal such dealings, or to over-invoice for machinery and parts, thereby further distorting investments. We then saw the Zimbabwean tree at the most lamentable condition yet, its perfect fruits gone, eaten and stripped off by the palmerworm ministers and top government officials, leaves gone, denuded off its leaves by the locust corrupt officials in the country's institutions, its branches rotten and the bark peeled away by cankerworm blackmarketeers and business people who wanted to get rich quick with unrealistic profit margins as well as all those ordinary Zimbabweans who instead of coming up with ethical, professional, innovative ways of countering hyper-inflation resorted to corrupt ways of making money, a nest for the caterpillars who further destroyed the tree. The grand total is a loss of image and prestige for Zimbabwe, weakening of the moral fibre of the people, lowering of ethical standards in governance, increased social instability and insecurity due to widening rifts between the 'haves' and 'have-nots', and a particularly heavy economic burden on the poor and the disadvantaged. In the spiritual realm, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit gone, holiness gone, justification by faith gone. Well, might the angels look down from Heaven and weep. The noble Zimbabwe, the perfect tree which had once stood clad with power and glory of the Holy Spirit, now had nothing left but a name, not even a remnamt of her former splendour. As if that is not enough, our right to freedom of expression and voting for any candidate we want is suppressed with beatings, torture, maimings and killings. The graphic language in Isaih 1V6-8, accurately describes the Zimbabwean people with their fruit tree destroyed and themselves beaten up for political reasons. " From head to foot you are sick and weak and faint, covered with bruises and welts and infected wounds, unanointed and unbound. Your country lies in ruins, your cities are burned while you watch, they are destroying and plundering everything they see. You stand there helpless and abandoned like a watchman's shanty in the field when harvest-time is over or when the crop is stripped and robbed."
Oh yes this is where the Zimbabwean stands right now but the prophetic message I want to convey to you Zimbabweans is that during this time of complete humiliation the Lord gave us a marvelous promise of restoration. It's all mentioned in Joel 2V21-25, "Fear not, Oh land, be glad and rejoice, for the Lord will do great things. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." All that the Zimbabwean perfect tree
lost will be restored, not in one day but in the same way it was lost, line by line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, till a completion of this restoration is reached. This restoration is only possible if we have a deeper realisation of what it means to live a life wholly given up and consecrated to the Lord so that the tender shoots and branches of the Zimbabwean tree can be thrust forth on the tree again. As we pray and yield ourselves to the Spirit, God will allocate gifts to everyone of us as the Spirit chooses, he will cause the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to be visible in our midst, in our nation. Yes, Zimbabwe's perfect fruit tree can be restored, it's all in our hands, us Christians , to restore it or to further destroy it. Our prayers will do it, they will encourage all Zimbabweans to act responsibly and change their unethical, unprofessional inefficient and corrupt ways, they will enable an effective government that is accountable through citizen feedback, democratic institutions, a competitive free press and an independent judiciary to be put in place, they will cause businesses to stop pursuing unrealistic profits relentlessly at the expense of the customers and make them realise that when it comes to maximising long-term owner value, honesty is not just the best policy, it is the only feasible policy. Through prayer we can make the relevant people aware that political and business decisions blessed by God and based on honesty and merit if added to good governance, responsive policies and good capacity building sustainable business goals will ultimately lead to the economic turnaround of our nation. Through prayer we can make the mobilised minds of those who agree to be sent to subject their fellow Zimbabweans to inhuman atrocities to always remain loyal to the truth and God, as loyalty to a person, regardless of his or her wrong intentions is not a path to be followed and only encouraged by leaders with a weak moral fibre.
Honestly speaking this is not a time to feel sorry for ourselves because pity won't change our situation. This is the time to pray whole-heartedly for our nation Zimbabwe. Let the prayers start with our church leaders as in Joel 2V17, " Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, spare thy people, O Lord and give not thine heritage to reproach, wherefore should they (the unbelievers) say among the people, 'Where is thy God.'"
True Zimbabwe did not end up the way it is because of its leadership only, most Zimbabwean citizens helped in destroying it by their corrupt, unethical, unprofessional and inefficient ways of doing business. Yes those who were in power are the worst culprits because they set a bad example and the top most leader had the power to stop the corrupt ministers but didn't stop them. The man who is aspiring to be President also contributed in destroying Zimbabwe when he called for sanctions against the country some years back when he lost elections unfairly even though he denies it and insists that the sanctions where only targeted to some individuals. The common people who started suffering ever since he called those sanctions know better. All those who contributed in destroying the country should work together to undo the destruction by rebuilding the nation. In other words I am for the government of national unity but think that both leaders are not fit to rule the country so if a government of national unity is set up I would prefer that we get a neutral leader as President, one who is neither from ZanuPF or MDC. Simba Makoni would have been the ideal president if only his reputation had not been linked with ZanuPF, as it is, it is very difficult for him to convince people that he is not of the same breed as the corrupt ZanuPF officials and has completely divorced himself from that party. That is my own individual opinion and being here in UK i can say whatever i want without fear of my backside being vandalised like what they did to Memory.
ReplyDeleteSure this is the time for Zimbabewans to concentrate more on the Spiritual realm. True with evidence of the atrocities in the country that threaten to rock civilisation to its very foundations most people might begin to wonder why God allows the perpetrators of these deeds to do that and then escape punishment. It is absolutely necessary that people realise that nothing escapes the notice of Almighty God. The all-seeing, all-knowing Father is keenly aware of everything that takes place in this world and as he did at Calvary, he will turn defeat into victory in order to give effect to his ultimate perfect will and all this in his own good time. So if ever anyone feels that wrong-doers are escaping punishment remember that, in due time, all people will be called to account before the Lord. As you live in obedience to God's will you will anticipate that time with joy.
Jeremiah 23v1 says, "How terrible will be the Lord's judgement on those rulers who destroy and scatter his people."
It is only with an effective government in place that promotes effective policy-making and public service delivery as well as maintains the rule of law and promotes political stability and the absence of violence, crime and corruption that the work of restoration can begin so that the roots of the Zimbabwean tree can again sink deep into the earth. But the government can only restore Zimbabwe to a certain extend, the rest of the restoration depends on the ordinary Zimbabweans. Businesses should realise that a narrow focus on profits can systematically infringe the rights of customers and other stakeholders. Forms of managerial accountability to all business stakeholders who are non-owners should be created so that managers are held accountable to the society at large through the courts. An effective government should come up with good corporate governance policies that include setting up public policy that makes managers accountable to regulators. Managerial accountability to workers should also be required by law, for example worker representation on company boards should be mandated.
ReplyDeleteI urge all Zimbabweans to place themselves in God's care during this difficult time. Most people may be consumed by fear, worry or anxiety, they may even experience a sense of hopelessness to the point of despair. In some circumstances they may be tempted, almost to a point beyond endurance, to veer from the path, which they know to be right, in order to find some relief. It is at times such as these that people need to call upon the Holy Spirit to assist them in delving deep into their reserves of faith. When all seems bleak you ought always to recall the words of our gracious Lord who undertook never to fail or forsake you. Remember that Jesus invites all who labour under the heavy burdens of his life to turn him for help incoping with their problems. The evil one is both persistent and relentless in his efforts to undermine christians and in order to achieve his objective, he attacks them when they are most vulnerable. Hold fast to the promises of God, put your trust in him and he will be at your side to help you overcome all your difficulties during the time when Zimbabwe becomes a pariah state.
2Thessolonians 3v3 ".....the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One."
On Sunday when Dave and I were discussing our pathetic fate in Zimbabwe, he commented at the economic turnaround he witnessed in Rwanda when he visited the country recently. He said he was amazed at the levels of orderliness in the country's infrastructure and the efficiency, ethics and professionalism exuded by the Rwandans he made contact with. When he broached the subject with business associates in Rwanda they were unanimous in attributing this orderliness, efficiency, ethics and professionalism to good governance and good leadership, most notably singling out President Paul Kagame for his clean-cut image and moral backbone. This led us to reflect on the business and political environment in which we Zimbabweans often operate, where trust and honesty are sometimes sadly lacking. Simply put, if there is an absence of trust in the leadership's intentions and actions it can ultimately lead to less efficient businesses and contribute to the inefficiency of a nation. This in turn will result in corruption, fraud and dishonesty taking root in the society. The rapid economic progress achieved in Rwanda over the last ten years is proof of the critical role of good leadership. This should be an inspiration to all of us Zimbabweans to ensure integrity and competence are things we value, aim for and reward in all our political, economic and business dealings. Dave said next time he visits Rwanda it will be with me, just so as to experience with me the efficiency, ethics and professionalism in Rwanda that has become scarce here in Zimbabwe.
ReplyDeleteThat we in Zimbabwe are living in troubled times is a fact that only the most foolish or stubborn or unobservant person woul deny. The political, economic and business events taking place in Zimbabwe leave much to be desired and hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans are suffering as a result. This present state of affairs indicates that Satan is very much at work in the lives of Zimbabweans. As usual he uses the most subtle of methods to achieve his evil and dastardly purpose. As Christians we have the responsibility to take a stand for all that is right and good. As disciples of Jesus it is our duty and privilege, to uphold the teaching and standards of the Lord, our God, even in a hostile environment. When called upon to take a stand for Jesus as Seby's prophetic vision calls all Zimbabwean christians to do, nothing should deter us because we bear the responsibility of upholding Jesus' name. We should open ourselves to the influence of the Holy Spirit which will then lead us, guide us and strengthen us in our resolve to serve the Lord.
1John 2V6, " Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did."
The situation in Zimbabwe as it stands now shows that both Mugabe and Tsvangirai are not concerned with the plight of the common people. They both know that if they
ReplyDeletedon't engage in talks soon there are going to be worldwide sanctions against Zimbabwe and it is us the common people who are going to remain suffering while they will be cushioned because they have got the money that can make them immune to the suffering I am talking about. Prices of all commodities more than tripled as soon as Mugabe swore himself back into power and our salaries always lag behind the rate of inflation so most ordinary Zimbabweans now can not afford to buy all the basic food they need. Inflation in Zimbabwe speculates around politics so as long as the political environment is unstable prices will continue to rise and become more and more unaffordable to the common people. As we die from hunger Mugabe and his corrupt ministers and their families will be wining and dining in plenty of food and drink. Same applies to Tsvangirai and his MPs who will be wining and dining with the foreign currency they are getting from MDC sponsors and sympathisers. This explains why these two leaders are not worried about sanctions and Zimbabwe becoming a pariah state, it won't affect them directly. If they were concerned about the plight of the common people by now they will be engaged in talks with each other instead of letting pride, stubbornness and hunger for unshared power hinder them. They should just talk to each other instead of further destroying the country with their hatred for each other. Why can't they just accept each other's point of view like civilised people and learn to co-exist with each other. They both destroyed our Zimbabwe and we want them both to rebuild it, varume vakuru vanotamba mahumbwe avo nenyika yedu. Babra I think you are right, they have both proved to be not fit to rule the country and in the GNU it will be best if they are made Ministers without Portfolio. For President we want someone who is impartial to both parties and who will be appointed more like the CEO of the country and he will be accountable to Parliament and an executive branch of a few dignified, respected and trusted citizens. This is just my way of thinking, unrealistic you might say but to me the best way out of being ruled by these two leaders who are holding the lives of the common people at ransom.
In the midst of this pathetic situation that we have in Zimbabwe, there will always be the voices of those who blame God and cry out, "Why has the Lord done this? Why has he allowed it to happen?" These are the people who disregard the fact that God has graciously given his people freedom of will. They overlook man's folly and disobedience and his reckless disregard of the warnings contained in the Word of God. Many Zimbabweans are concerned as to the future, there is turmoil and unrest and the cry goes out, "How long? How much longer can this last?" As understandable as this attitude may be it can only lead to despondency and despair which aggravate the situation and therein lies the very real danger that eventually people give up all hope not only in the earthly realm but also in the spiritual realm, as they bow down to what they consider to be the inevitable.
Throughout the centuries the world has been embroiled in conflict and mankind has faced all forms of danger, deprivation and catastrophe. Through his greed, indifference, lust for power and waywardness man has caused and contributed to every disaster the world has ever known. However, history and the Scriptures point continually to those faithful souls who have placed their trust in God and, by grace, have overcome all obstacles as the Lord has rewarded their faithfulness. No matter how dark things may appear to be, put your trust firmly in Almighty God. Cling to the assurance of the risen Christ that he has overcome the world. Despite the fears of the world have faith in the fact that our all-powerful, all-loving God will yet restore order where there is chaos and will protect those who trust him.
The verse that comes to my mind is in Hebrew 11v33, "These people all trusted God and as a result won battles, overthrew kingdoms, ruled their people well, and received what God had promised them,.."
When I read this part of Seby's article,"Most Zimbabweans were rubbed the wrong way by the toll of hyperinflation and no longer live above the world and sin, they no longer walk the narrow path, so long enjoyed by the children of the Lord. As the sap, the life of the tree, was consumed and the branches rotted more and more, things that used to seem unethical or sinful appeared unethical or sinful no longer. The sinners that used to bar themselves outside the doors of the Church now leaned back in comfortable contentment in the cushioned pews and tithed handsomely with their unclean bucks. Christians lowered the high starndard of holiness unto the Lord which they had been holding aloft. Now it trailed bedraggled and unnoticed in the dust. The Holy Spirit as a gentle dove was squashed, grieved and stifled until he silently withdrew his wonder-working manifestations on the Zimbabwean tree. The result is in Joel 1V16 , food, joy and gladness were withheld from our nation", a thought came to mind about the way most Zimbabwean Christians carry on.
ReplyDeleteMany Christians complicate their lives by dividing them into two separate compartments. One they classify as being spiritual and the other as earthly. Their difficulties arise when these two come into conflict. They know they should be spiritually minded but the pressing demands of a busy life trying to counter hyper-inflation seems to make the spiritual impractical, and so they compromise with unhappy results. Because they know that they are not giving the spritual life the loyalty and dedication it demands if it is to be truly effective in their lives they experience an inadequate and unhappy religion. At the same time the faith they possess is just enough to apply restrictions to their business and social lives. They may attend church on Sunday but get on with the business of living without any spirituality for the rest of the week. They are divided personalities.
If you are to live as God intended you should, it is necessary to have an undivided aim. Many people acknowledge this fact and then aim for success in their business and social lives only. If this is to be your only aim you will ultimately be disillusioned for material things can never satisfy the basic yearnings of the human spirit. When you make your spiritual awareness the motivating power and principle of your life everything you do is inspired by your union with God, our Divine father and you live a balanced and completely satisfying life.
This Bible verse that comes to mind is in Psalm 1v1-2, " Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, but his delight is in the law of the Lord."
Cleme I have just been reading your last comment and thoght of adding my own thoughts concerning the Christian faith.
ReplyDeleteNot only in Zimbabwe, has Christanity been weakened through a form of good works and a code of decent behaviour that would have been socially acceptable even without the advent of Christ. Ordinary decent behaviour is not confined to Christian disciples. A man may be agnostic or have never heard the name of Christ yet be sin-free and perfectly respectable. The Christian disciple should be more than a sin-free, respectable citizen, he/she should be a person through whom the love of Christ radiates and in whom the power of God is expressed.
What he/she is not due to what he has achieved in his own power but rather what he has allowed Christ to do through him/her. Committed fully to Christ, the disciple lives to express the Spirit of Christ in any situation he/she is placed. This realisation of the Christian faith lifts it beyond the limits of a form of respectability and "do-goodism", as important and enriching as these may be, into the realm of the spiritual where the mind and the spirit can expand and thrive. The spirit of the living Christ gives true meaning and purpose to your faith, for Jesus is the additive that lifts your belief from a mediocrity of good intentions and noble dreams to a life-giving force intent upon doing God's will.
This is the message I want to impart to all Christians. It comes from Exodus 33v14, " The Lord said, "I will go with you and I will give you victory."
ReplyDeleteMany plans have failed to reach fulfilment because those involved have lacked the confidence to undertake them, or having begun, to persevere. Such a situation applies to both your spritual and earthly life and very often your contribution to the work of God is thwarted as a result. One of the essentials of life is to accept that you will achieve nothing of consequence, nor will you be able to perform any worthwhile task, unless you undertake this in the strength and to the Glory of God. You may experience a form of pleasure but lasting satisfaction and the re-assurance of the value of your achievements is dependent upon the place given by you to God in your plans. Experience shows that very little that is worthwhile comes the easy way. You face obstacles, distractions and difficulties that tempt you to abandon your plans or to try and achieve a compromise that will lead to a diminishing in starndards. This is when it is important to realise and to accept that you should always allow the Christ to share in your dreams and your plans. Make Jesus your partner in whatever undertaking you become involved. Let him prescribe the starndards by which you operate and, in the knowledge that you have his divine guidance and approval, you can not but succeed.
Let me also add my Christian thoughts, handingasaririre.
ReplyDeleteFor the Christian, submission to the Will of God does, at times, present one of the most difficult challenges of our faith. You find yourself in a situation or you are faced with a set of circumstances that call for action or a decision on your part. Instinctively you weigh up the matter in order to act as you think best. What discipline is required at that stage for you to put aside your feelings and thoughts and hand the matter over to God and to wait for him to answer and then abide by his will. How much more difficult is it for you when you feel the Lord leading you in a direction away from your thoughts?
You need to accept that, because his view of life is eternal, God knows best what is good for you in the end. His will takes into account your ultimate benefit and not your immediate circumstance beyond which the human eye cannot see. As you open yourself to the influence of the Holy Spirit, he will enable you to resist the temptation to follow the dictates of your mind and to place yourself in the Lord's hands and to abide by his perfect will. Having done this you will experience that sense of peace that comes only from submission to Christ, as written in Job 22v21 which says, "Agree with God, and be at peace......"
Grant me, Oh Lord a sensitive spirit that responds to you and to the needs of other people as we experience hardships in our country.
ReplyDeleteMany people, because they are afraid they will be taken advantage of, adopt a hard and cynical approach to life. They pass someone in need and say that the authorities should do something about beggars. Having attempted to justify their refusal to help they overlook the damage to their own conscience. Everytime you turn from someone in need there is a slight hardening of your attitude towards life. Eventually you will come to the time when your insensitivity will become so real that you no longer experience the presence of the Lord in your life. In turning away from those in need you are turning away from Jesus. Closely linked with sensitivity is the perceptiveness that is imparted by God's Holy Spirit to those who love and serve him. To be spiritually perceptive means hearing the unspoken word and listening to the message behind what is being said. It means perceiving the need for material assistance when it is carefully concealed behind a facade of pride and quiet courage, recognising the aching heart behind the smile, realising the hurt camouflaged behind an, "it does not matter" attitude and seeing the bravado that is a bluff for inferiority. To meet these, and similar needs, it is essential to break through the barrier of silence and pretence and this can be done through prayer, friendliness and with the realisation that you are God's servant in your present situation and all the time.
The verse that comes to mind is in Ephesians 4v18-19, "--separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity."