This poem is about love that has been hurt in the first story and the mending of the wounded heart in the second story. This is a general poem, am not talking about myself or any person I know, just trying to point out how love hurts sometimes.
Second Story Window
The dirt covers the pane so grimy
As l use my hand to wipe away the dirt
That built up with me unaware of it
Shining light through where the glass bleeds dark
I am coming through and l am looking inside
Stepping outside the first story window
And stepping into the second story window
The first story was one where I was cruely denied
Love that my heart seeked so earnestly, so honestly
To meet, hug and kiss is all I asked for and it was denied me
I then realised that love expressed in words only without actions means nought.
So near, yet so far away from my dream of how it was going to be.
I pulled down the blinds on the first story window and wept.
I felt hurt, cold, unloved and alone in a world full people.
The blinds remain closed in that first story window.
Am afraid to enter that story with all its hurts now.
Waiting for him to completely erase the hurt in my heart
So that we can together pull the blinds to let light in again.
Apologies, explanations, reassuarances, I love yous in words.
I believe the words but words alone don't count anymore.
My forgiving heart has already forgiven but I havent forgotten
Which is why I can't enter the first story.
My love for him so large and overflowing but is his love for me as large as mine,
That has to be proved by him.
l look through the second story window and judge from there
The first story to be revisted & rewritten by him to mend my aching heart
Sad memories to be replaced with love actions that convince me of the love.
I never got to know how it feels being in his arms.
He promised to take away the cold that he let build a chill inside me
He will have to do it in this second story where i am in at present.
This PC that l hold in my hand l will use like a sword
To cut away the past that makes me sore
As I look from the second story window I feel the beating of my heart
Love put to the test and passed.
Love is such a wonderful thing when you let it into your second story window.
For in here there is no taking each other for granted
You realise that the love you thought will always be there can be snatched away
from you just like that.
I cant promise days that will always be free from rain
I cant promise days that will always be free from troubles
I cant promise days that will always live forever not into night
The impossible isnt a game I can play to win
But when we write our second story window
The love l can promise is here to stay
Many ways to write the ending of this story
But its a chapter that we cannot close
For this love is written in the ways that we both know
How we show our love in a convincing manner
Second story window is breathing life into the love we both have always dreamed about
A love so true and full of honesty, trust and faithfulness
Second story windows that never shut out that light
The sky inside is as blue as it is bright
Nothing is fading away, everything is parading
How deeply the love lies inside the second story window
The birds fly freely outside as they come to see inside
Giving all our love as freely as it comes so easily
Sure love hurts if put to the test, but once it passes the test nothing
can bring it down, it spreads like veld fire, only this fire is eternal
it will never die down.
Hey Seby that is a very sad poem, I hope it really didn't happen to you. I know you Seby and have known you for so long, you are inspired to write poems only when you are so happy or so sad about something. This poem sounds like you are very sad. What is going on Seby. We are friends, we are supposed to share our joys as well as our problems. There is something you are not telling us here. Coming to think of it, the past week you have been avoiding us. What is going on Seby?
ReplyDeleteChipo my dearest friend its just a poem, don't worry about me, I am fine, had a terrible flue last week, running nose, sore throat, red eyes, all the works. Was not avoiding you my friends, was just quarantining myself so that I don't spread the air-borne flu virus to you. Hey Chipo that is you alright, you tend to overthink.
ReplyDeleteThanks anyway for caring. Just do me a favour and comment on the contents of the poem and not on the writer of the poem, OK. Love u Chipo.
Ok Seby, was just checking.
ReplyDeleteLet me add my own poem about love that has been hurt.
Laid a broken vase, just shattered
Into pieces by and by
Once full of dandelions and daisies
Now just one big broken pile
Crystal vase, with ornaments
Illuminating light
Now broken pieces all over the floor
Making it a heart-breaking sight
Impossible to take it in
That such a wonderful vase is broken
Shattered, with words unspoken
Shattered, with promises unfulfilled
Scattered all over the floor
That vase was once a gift from gods,
The promise of love and protection
Divine in its presence
Bringer of joy and affection
Time stood still as the vase fell
The pieces of it flew up and away
The light that escaped it
And the last sound it made when it fell
No other vase in this world compares
To the shattered one the floor
No other vase in this world can be
What this one stood for.
Here is another one girls.
ReplyDeleteCry... cry....cry.....my heart
how again do I start....
Start to believe when his words say, "I love you" ......when last time his actions said the opposite......
To take this risk again may tear me apart, but then I love him so much.
No one......
......can hear
.........the quiet scream
that trys to force its way out of me
Is there anyone that even care "s
does anyone.....anymore....
even want to share
Share the deep hurting things
that suffering in the heart
usually brings
Yearn just to be loved
by someone other than God above
Oh to love another and not have it returned in the same measure.
Is a sure way of getting burned
The wounds ....take so long to heal
The cry ....in the heart....so...very real
The night comes and goes but of the
heart .......tears continually flow
Morning comes and the daylight
shines ...
Yet and still my heart reaches out
to find
that the cry"s of this heart are still mine
Why does it have to hurt so much ......
Please God ....with your hand ....
just a light touch
my heart questions why .....
only you......can help ....
A Heart That Cry's
A rose is a lot like Love.
ReplyDeleteThe flower of the rose is very beautiful. Like the rose though, Love has many thorns. Sometimes those thorns seem to dig deep into your soul and make your heart bleed. But, no matter how great the pain never let the thorns overcome the beauty of the flower because that is where true Love lives.
Dear Eusebia,
ReplyDeleteThank you for that beautiful poem. It is full of hope and deep love. That kind of love that always longs for response, but that will continue under any circumstance. For whoever said it, I am grateful: only a broken heart is a whole heart. But yet it is so difficult to live by this.
My 16-year-old Cara broke up with her boyfriend recently asking me whether there was any chance not having to go through such heartache. I started crying because I knew I could never protect her from this pain and yet I would love to keep this away from her. Love and despair are so close to one another in a way they are inseparable. If only we could welcome pain just as well as happiness. Somehow I feel your second window offers a way to do just that.
I have been away in Switzerland for one week of contemplation. We spent this time in complete silence, 7 hours meditation, one Christian lecture a day and one short conversation with the teacher. As usual the time running up to this week I got very uptight and soar. By the middle of the week of contemplation I knew why. It is because each time I go there I face my biggest hurt open heartedly without protection. Oh yes, it hurts badly. Each time I weep and shiver with pain. But yet, each time I face this pain, I get more and more used to it and one day I might be capable to embrace and welcome that pain. But, it will never disappear and it will never hurt less. What I realised this time is that I can truly love my Mum for inflicting this hurt on me, however when I need this insight the most, usually this thought is the furthest away from me. My remedy will be to try to get confronted with this hurt as often as possible so that I can discover that same love that pulls me through.
Eusebia, your poem might just help me with this “exercise”
By the way, the lecture we had was such an eye opener yet again: we were talking about the way of the cross. Most of the times we only see the 14 stations of suffering, but each of them implies salvation. It was enlightening to ponder over such a miracle for the whole week. Be sure, that you and the situation of your country were with me.
With Love from
Seby when I read your sad poem I had to come to your house to see for myself if you were indeed okay and my dear friend you could have fooled me with your words but I know you so well. I could see the tears in your eyes when I asked how Dumi is. You said it was because you miss him so much but I am not convinced that is the explanation for the tears. Anyway my beloved young sister just know that I am here with my loving shoulders when you need me.
ReplyDeleteHere is my poem
I always smile the best i can
But deep inside i feel the pain
The fact is that i live in vain
I look as if i'm truly happy
But no one knows i'm weak and lonely
When i'm alone, i cry for his love.
Is there someone who can make me smile?
A smile that's not just for a while
A genuine smile that comes from within
Is there someone who could accept me just as I am.
A loving, honest, faithful, god-fearing, attractive, cheerful and sensitive woman.
Is there someone who'd love me for me.
And I am so full of love.
If only he would see that my heart belongs to him.
Agnes the only reason my eyes watered is because I miss Dumi so much, don't read anything into it. Those are just poems girls and they have got nothing to do with me and my life, thought I put a disclaimer at the beginning of the poem. I am sorry to say this but I think you girls watch to many soap operas. Must be the happennings in Generations these days that give you these funny ideas. Am not Khetiwe girls and Dumi is not Adam and there is no Portia stealing the love of my life right under my nose.
ReplyDeleteMonika my heart bleeds for Cara and the hurt she is going through at such a tender age. Help her go through it in such a way that she doesn't end up being cynical about love because despite the fact that it hurts sometimes, it is sweet most of the time. Make her come out of it in such a way that the past hurts don't make her express her love with reservations next time.(some women become frigid)
My word of advise though is for you to explain to Cara that even though love can be so sweet it hurts sometimes and that type of hurt requires that she be at a mature age for her to handle it well emotionally and psychologically. Suggest to her that it would be wise for her to start dating when she reaches 21.
Thank you Eusebia for your wisdom. If only teenager would listen to parental advice.
ReplyDeleteSince everyone seems to be able to write a poem, if tried it on Crosby Stills Nash & Young in the last verse - : Teach your children well.
I believe that we can be tought how to grow into feelings. Here is the song...
You who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past is just a good bye.
Teach your children well,
Their father's hell did slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picked, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
And you, of tender years,
Can't know the fears that your elders grew by,
And so please help them with your youth,
They seek the truth before they can die.
Teach your parents well,
Their children's hell will slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picked, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
And you, with female care
Can feel the pain, our sister’s having
But hurt removed too quick
Is just escape from deeper feelings.
Don’t you ever ask her why, if she told you, you would cry
So just look at her and sigh and know she loves you
Sometimes love sure hurts but what would life be without it? To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully around with hobbies and little luxuries, avoid all entanglements, lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness....
ReplyDeleteThat would be a hellish heartless kind of life and I personally wouldn't enjoy such a life which is devoid of love. Love, though it hurts sometimes, makes my life worth living, it brings peace, happiness and excitement into life.
To love is to take risks, to expose our hearts. Yes sometimes it hurts. It hurt Christ, but he kept on loving, even at the cost of his life. We must keep loving that cousin, that teenager, that neighbor, that co-worker even if he/she hurt us because it is Christlike-and its better than locking your heart in a coffin of self-centredness.
Even though love has hurt me over and over again I will continue to love because loving is what I do, its what I as a Christian am known for. Take note that the only place outside heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers...of love is hell. So if you are living a loveless life you are actually living in hell.