Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away
they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose,
teach you a lesson or help figure out life's puzzles or who you
want to become or merely to help you carry on through life with
a smile. There are those simple friends who enter into our lives
and then leave, then there are those real friends who enter our
lives and stay a while...stay forever, leaving permanent beautiful
footprints on our hearts...and we are never quite the same after
that because we would have made good, until death do us part friends.
Time stands still at that glorious moment when you realize you've
found a new friend.How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment
when we realize we have discovered a friend. Yes, there's a miracle
called friendship that dwells in the heart. You don't know how it
happens or when it gets started but you know the special lift it
Each of the different friends enter our lives for different reasons
and are a blessing to us in their own different ways.
Agnes is that rare jewel of a friend who unlike all my other
friends when I need friendship support doesn't say, "Just ask, I'll
help you through it," she doesn't wait for me to ask, she just acts.
She is the kind of friend that I am free to call at anytime, she
doesn't hate it when I call after she has gone to bed like I did
lately when I had tonsilitis and my tempereture had become so high
that I was afraid I would die. Instead of complaining about my calling
at 2am she and TGJ drove to my apartment and took me to hospital and
paid all the medical bills. There is no better doctor than the true
friend I have in Agnes. Oh yes Agnes is that kind of friend that
makes me believe that friends are God's way of taking care of us and
that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings
have trouble remembering how to fly. When it hurts to look back, and I
am scared to look ahead, I look beside me and Agnes will be there. She
is the best kind of friend with whom I can sit with for a while, never
saying a word, and then walk away feeling like that was the best
conversation we've ever had. Everyone hears what I say, all my friends
listen to what I say, but the rare jewel of a friend I have in Agnes
listens to what I don't say. Agnes my dear, you have become more
than a friend, you are now the sister I never had, you are the sibling
God forgot to give me. I value Agnes's friendship so much that if she
lives to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I
never have to live without her friendship.
Chipo is the childhood friend who has stayed by my side over the years
as we together overcame the problems of growing up. She and I are a
living testimony that true friendship never ends, that friends are forever.
She is a real friend who believes in me, loves me for who I am, knows the
song in my heart and can sing it back to me when I have forgotten the words.
With Chipo I can dare myself to be myself because she knows me so well,
my warts and all. She is the one I go to when I am at my lowest ebb because
she knows exactly how to raise my spirits, she tells me the truth when I need
to hear it, yells at me when I won't listen and zaps me to reality when I let
my imaginative mind take control. She is the type of friend that doesn't act
like a guest when she visits me, regards my house as her house too, opens the
fridge and helps herself and if she finds the fridge and the kitchen cupboards
empty as they usually are these days she goes out shopping and comes back
loaded with groceries to fill the fridge and cupboards. Oh yes Chipo and I can
do anything or nothing and have the best time because we have shared more than
half of our lives together so much that she envisions the whole of me,
even the unfinished parts. I value Chipo's friendship so much that if she were
to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with her because that would end our
friendship, instead, I'd be at the bottom to catch her so that we both live to
continue our friendship.
Clemencia is my beloved friend whose mind is exactly like mine such that
sometimes we wonder if our brains are not clones of each other. Many a
time we start talking at the same time about the same things, we like
the same things, we all have a passion for reading and writing, we
both enjoy interior decorating and share the same views about many
issues in life. She is the friend I turn to when I need an intelligent
talk. My friendship with her makes me agree with the adage that says,
"Great minds think alike," especially if they are female. With Clemencia
we can discuss any topic under the sun, sharing the latest information and knowledge that we would have gained and enjoy ourselves immensely in the
process. Oh yes, my friendship with Clemencia makes me feel as if we are one
soul inhabiting two bodies. She makes a difference in my life, quiets my fears
and never judges me and brings out the best in me. She is the only friend among
my friends who has her shoulders soggy from my tears, she has seen me cry when there was no funeral to cry about and that is because she is sympathetic to emotional pain and easily offers her shoulder for me to cry on plus I know that with her I can afford to let her see my vulnerability because she understands me like she understands herself. She moved to Cape Town last year but the distance between us hasn't affected our friendship at all, thanks to communication technologies. I value Clemencia's friendship so much that if the whole world were to walk out on her I would stay behind and walk with her through the deserted world.
Babra is that loyal friend who is worth a thousand of my relatives. She and I
operate on the same wavelength and can communicate without saying a word. You
know how it is when you have been close to a person for so long that you know
what that look on their face means, what that frown means amd what that smile or
gesture means, well that is how it is between Babra and me. When I am scared
she laughs at me and teases me about it every chance she gets. When I am
worried she tells me how much worse it could be and orders me to count my
blessings instead. She makes me smile and encourages me to succeed. She lends an ear, she gives a word of praise, and always wants to open her heart to me. She moved to UK years ago and made me realise that real friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there. When my brother Elyween whom I was very close to passed away and it hurt so much that I got so depressed that all I could do was stay in bed for days, she flew back from UK and helped me carry on with my life despite the loss. I value Babra's friendship so much that if she wanted a kidney to be donated for her survival I would donate one of mine, without hesitation.
Monika is a trusted beloved friend with whom I have this bond that keeps growing. I find myself confiding in Monika about issues affecting my vision for peace, love and happiness unto the whole world. She lives in Germany and time stood still for me
at that glorious moment when we met on Michael Skye's Vision Force Forum and I realised that I had found a friend. She bought Michael Skye's Visionary Mind
lessons for me, that I longed to have but didn't have the money to buy. It is
Monica I turn to when it comes to issues pertaining to my visionary mind because
I know that she being a fellow visionary, will understand me perfectly and stand with me if need be. She believes that Jesus is the greatest visionary that ever walked the earth, just like I do. Oh yes, my friendship with Monica has made me realise that good friendship knows no distance, nationality, race or colour, it thrives in spite of all that. I value Monica's friendship so much that if God was to ask me to make three wishes, one of the wishes I would make is for me to meet Monica face to face in my lifetime.
Yes my friendship with you ladies, Agnes, Chipo, Clemencia, Babra and Monika is very important to me but beyond friendship love there is intimate love which I share with this one special person. As good as my friendship with you girls is, there is a void in my life that you can't fill, a void that can only be filled by the one person whose friendship with me has all the qualities of friendship of the five of you combined. He is the one person with whom I can be intimate, the one person with whom I feel connected in my soul, heart, mind and body. Oh yes, this one person is my soulmate, my heart belongs to him, my mind is full of thoughts of him and my body and his have this chemistry that can be felt from a distance, beyond borders, over communication wires. This one person is Dumi and he means the world to me. I value my love relationship with Dumi so much that if I were to be asked to choose betwwen him and you my cherished friends I would choose him.
Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life. Friends are special people. We can't pick our family members, we are just born in the family. We do choose our spouse but we're sorely limited in the number of them because intimate love is such that it dictates we select a single mate. But we can pick as many friends as we can and they can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose to describe the friendship, that is close friend, best friend, childhood friend, neighborhood friend, trusted friend, beloved friend, workmate, school friend, church friend etc. I have a lot more friends that I didn't write about in this article not because I don't value them but because they don't read my blog or if they do, they never comment. Jesus is one such friend and I value him because when I need to be hugged and Dumi can't reach out and touch me I turn to Jesus so that he leads me not into temptation. Jesus has his ways of touching my life that are out of this world. Recently I had to pay Amanda's top-up fees and had no idea where I was going to get the money but I wasn't worried because I knew that somehow Jesus would provide and he did. From out of the blue I was approached by some wedding planner who wanted to rent my apartment for three days to accommodate a Pastor who was coming from Chiredzi to marry the couple.
Then there was the time when I had used up all the money I had to buy Amanda's set books and out of the blue some person who sees me everyday as I walk home or to work and we exchange pleasantries gave me an envelope saying that it was a present for me. You can imagine my surprise when I got home and opened the envelope and found US$100 in it. Those can only be the works of God and Jesus, I am sure you agree.
Let me end this article by saying I value you, all who are my friends and this article, is to celebrate you my friends, for your friendship to me is priceless.
Seby I feel that I am blessed to have someone like you who's the same today and tommorrow, firm as a rock and square as a die. Someone who's steadfast in joy or in sorrow. Someone who's dearer each day that goes by. For sure I consider you to be the young sister I never had. You are my confidant, my counselor, my adviser and the only other person besides TGJ that I trust.
ReplyDeleteI remember we got to know each other through our ex-husbands who were friends. I also remember how you stood by me through my marital problems, offering your shoulder for me to cry on, wiping away my tears and at one time my ex-husband shouting at you merely because you were the friend who would offer me shelter during the days I would run away from his beatings, all my other friends would refuse to give me shelter because they were afraid of my ex-husband shouting at them. I also remember that your ex-husband was against you giving me shelter but you would still do it and face his wrath. It was you who told me in that soft way of yours how marriages were meant to be full of love, peace and happiness and asked me what was the point in staying in a marriage that lacked all that. It was that question that eventually made me make up my mind to leave my ex-husband and I never regretted doing it. I also remember how you stood by me throughout the divorce proceedings and testified against my ex-husband so that I could win custody of the kids. I also remember how during the days I had become a single mother before TGJ married me you would constantly tell me to beware of married men whose aim is to exploit the loneliness of single mothers and to make sure that the man who asks me out loves me for my inner beauty and not my outer beauty before agreeing to go out with him. I also remember how you stood by me when TGJ's relatives where discouraging him to marry me, a divorcee. Seby I might forget what you said, I might forget what you did, but I will never forget how you made me feel when my world was crumbling. Oh yes, Seby and I have shared all the joys and sorrows in our lives and that resulted in our friendship being as solid as a rock. She brings out the best in me
and I value her friendship so because she makes my world so special just by being a part of it.
Seby reading this article made me miss home and you my friends so much. You Seby are the only friend I had during my nerd days when I was only interested in books and found all other people boring except you because with you we could talk about all sorts of topics that my nerd mind found interesting. With you I could become myself and not worry about putting up appearances bacause I knew that you accepted me and loved me as I was. To you I could pour out my mind, heart and soul without fear of ridicule or rejection and knowing that you would listen and understand. You taught the nerd that I was then that it was vital for me to get interested in people as well as my books, that employers were not interested in my brains only but also in how well I could get on with other employees and contribute to the positive group dynamics that is necessary for the success of any business. It was after Seby had hammered this point into my head that I tried very hard to understand other people's way of thinking and tolerate it or accept it as a difference in the individual that I had to learn to live with. Oh yes, Seby you taught me how to get along with other people and express myself to others, thus giving me the vital gift of communication. It was through you that Chipo, Agnes and Babra became my friends too, you are the thread that tied our hearts together. When I started dating Tendai my first boyfriend, who became my husband it was you who would take me out shopping for beautiful, elegant clothes that Tendai found very attractive. I had grown up not interested in clothes, as long as i wasn't naked I was happy, but you taught me to be particular about what I wear, also taught me how to decorate the interior of my house in a lovely manner and interior decorating became my passion too. I also remember how you threw a surprise baby shower for me when I had my first child and how that made me so happy. Moving to SA made me realise that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance, we all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go if we are good friends we take a little of each other everywhere. I pondered about our friendship and my mind came up with this, fortune is fickle and hope is deceiving, a
ReplyDeletejob can end and life changes all through, but there's only one thread that runs all through the weaving, fair to me, square to me—-a friend like you Seby, which is why I value my friendship with you. Thank you for being such a good and loyal friend Seby, love you.
This article had me rewinding and going down memory lane and true time stood still at that rare and wonderful flash of a moment when I realised that I had found a friend in Seby. We were at the same school but Seby was in the Science class and I was in the Arts class. We both loved to spent our break time reading our novels at the school pavillion so that is were we met. Then one day we both didn't have novels to read and sat there at the pavillion telling each other about ourselves, family background, aspirations, ambitions & what we value in life and discovered that we valued the same things in life. It was at that glorious moment that I realised that I had found a friend in Seby and from that day up until now we became inseparable. We got married to men who were the best of friends and who were equally obnoxious which is why they are now our ex-husbands. We were there for each other when our first marriages turned sour and helped each other carry on without our ex-husbands' support, had vowed to ourselves that we would survive the divorces by supporting each other emotionally and for sure we did. We have been friends for so long that our friendship has developed firm roots that extend to our parents, relatives and children. When my children who stay with my ex-husband in Zim because I never bothered to claim custody in court, can't visit me in UK where i live with Ike my husband they visit Seby instead whom they adore and regard as their mother too. Oh yes Seby & i are the best of friends even though we do fight with words sometimes but it is the fact that our friendship survives & doesn't end because of a fight that make us true, real friends. Noone could ever love a friend and believe in her more deeply than I love and believe in you Seby. If I could gather up all the smiles, laughs, memories and pride that you have brought me through the years and give them back to you I would. Maybe that way you would understand just what it means to have a friend like you, and why you are the closest person to my heart next to Ike and our kids. I love you Seby and trust you.
ReplyDeleteSeby you are the best gift in my life. I believe that the best gift in life is knowing that I have someone who loves me unconditionally, who can make me laugh, who is there to listen and who warms my heart, the best gift in life is a best friend which is what you are to me Seby. Your gift of friendship to me is most cherished not in the joy of friendship that comes from your outstretched hands to me , nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship, but in the spiritual inspiration that comes from knowing that you believe in me and trust me. A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life so believe me when I say your friendship to me makes my life complete.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how we happened to meet each other. I don't remember who got along with whom first. All I can remember is the two of us as childhood friends living in the same neighborhood and forming a book club when we got to high school, that included my husband Dave and his sister who lived in the same neighbourhood as us. At a time when other teenagers had their hormones causing them to concentrate more on dating, fashion and entertainment we were busy acquiring knowledge through sharing researched information among members of the book club. Our book club was not about novels only it was rich in information about all sorts of topics, be it science, politics, love, poetry, finance, music, marketing, art, etc. Most of what I know in this world about other topics other than the ones I studied at school was through that book club. I cannot tell the precise moment when our friendship formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last one drop that makes it run over, so in a series of your show of kindness to me there was at last one drop that made my heart run over resulting in me realising that you are God's best gift to my life, the angel God send to me to help me get through the bad times and enjoy the good times.
Some husbands stray sometimes, as mine once did and it was you Seby who met him with the younger girl and posed as me his wife and reasoned peacefully with the girl to refrain from allowing herself to be sexually exploited under the pretext of being loved. Dave says you talked for long to the girl in that soft way of yours never once showing hostility to her such that she grew a liking for you & got convinced with what you were saying and the girl immediately turned against him, hurled some profane insults at him, demanded her spare flat keys from him and walked away never to go out with a married man again. You then told Dave that you were not going to tell me about the incident if he goes back home to me and be the loving, caring, romantic and honest husband that I had thought I was marrying. I never knew about the incident, only saw a positive change in my marriage and was very happy about it, it was only many years later at our anniversary when we had gone to celebrate in Mauritius that Dave told me about it and we laughed about it. When I got back home I asked Seby about it and it was only then that she told me about it and we both laughed at the part when the girl turned against Dave and hurled a series of profanity to him and the shock and anger that was in Dave's eyes as he in turn told the girl that he never loved her anyway, just wanted to use her. We also laughed at the fact that all this happened in a supermarket and how the shoppers had a free soap opera in the middle of shopping.
Oh yes Seby, you and I have come a long way and thank you for giving me this opportunity to thank you for taking care of my heart over the years without knowing anything about cardiology. Thank you Seby for all the everyday gifts of love you've given me through the years. Am not talking of tangible material gifts here, for material things can't make the soul whole, only the love, trust, and loyalty of friends can do that. Am talking about the kinds of emotional gifts of understanding, trust, companionship, etc, we get from our friends that we take for granted and never give a thought about until the day the friend leaves us through death and we remember them all with tears and say all of them out as a eulogy or write them all on her epitaph. I don't want to wait until you die to tell you how much of a blessing you are in my life.
On behalf of all your friends I want to thank you for the times when you had a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to do them and you somehow made time for laughter and fun with us your friends. And when your days off work were spent taking care of our hearts when there crises in our lives. I especially want to thank you for the days when you have your own problems and you had had it up to here and didnt deserve to be bothered by our own problems and yet you'd still be there to listen, care and understand your friends. Yes Seby, I want to thank you for all those things and more, the everyday gifts of love that make you one very special lady not only to me but to the lives of all those whose life you touch. If I could give you one gift my friend, I would give you the ability to see yourself as others see you, so you would know how very special you are.
Dear Eusebia, I am lost for words that you mentioned me here. I will still try to put my feelings and response in some simple words. The way you expressed your friendship for each of us is so special and diverse that it sounds like a blessing. Our friendship is a very precious gift. If I tell people about us, they cannot imagine what we have going. "How can you have a friend, that you have never met?" Eusebia, I think we have used the same 'technique' as we do for Jesus. We just opened our heart and there was the our friendship. It's as simple as that. We are the living proof of what internet and email can facilitate. By the way I think Jesus is not only the greatest visionary, he is also the greatest facilitator ever. If he wants it, we will meet. In the meantime "you are the wind beneath my wings". I love to be drawn up to my new visions by your BIG visions. I am glad I cannot grasp all of this by my mind, I can only get a glimpse of it through my heart.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you.
I remember writing this on the article, "Operation Ndigadzirisei",
ReplyDeletebut I just feel I have to write it again on this article.
To all my friends. This says it all. Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Love grows or wanes. Hearts break. Careers end. Jobs come and go. Colleagues forget favours. Men sometimes don't call when they say they will.
BUT.......... Friends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A woman is never further away, than needing her, can reach . When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it for yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out. The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. So to you the women who have seen me grow from one stage to another and cheered me on to walk the walk of life with my head up and shoulders unstooped I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you all.
So Agnes, Chipo, Clemencia, Babra & Monika let's become little old ladies together- we'll stay up late looking at old pictures, telling "remember when" stories, and laughing till our sides ache.
Let's become eccentric together- the kind of old ladies who take long walks, wear silly hats, and get away with acting outrageous in public places. And if anybody should ask how long we've been friends, we'll say, "Oh, forever - since before you were even born!"
Let's become little old ladies together- because a friendship that's as special as ours can only grow better through the years. I do believe that knowing you my friends, I know most of the best people in the world and you've all made my life livable.
For each one of my friends I want to acknowledge how much I appreciate your friendship with me, with friendship advice dedicated to each of you in turn.
ReplyDeleteBabra, though our communication wanes at times of absence, I'm aware of a strength that emanates in the background because friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by distance, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter but please try to call more often to nurture the friendship.
Clemencia, the communicating of your innermost thoughts to a friend works two contrary effects; for it redoubleth joy, and cutteth griefs in half so learn to open up to us your friends more because that is what we are there for and always remember that we love you.
Agnes, you are the friend that reaches for my hand, but touches my heart. You are the rainbow that brightens my life when I've been through a storm.
Eusebia, I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. I'd like to be the help you've always been glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant to me.
Monika, comment more on Seby's blog so that we get to know you better, or if you have a blog give us its address so that we can read it and know you better through it.
Dave, not only are you my husband, my lover, you are my best friend so don't always leave me lonely on Saturday afternoons while you go and hang out with friends. I am your friend too.
All that having been said let me conclude by saying, "The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters, to you my friends."
In line with Chipo's last comment let me add my own dedications to each one of you in turn.
ReplyDeleteChipo,I never thought I'd find someone whose heart could read my mind but I did, found you through Seby & our friendship is a knot in which angel hands have tied.
Clemencia, real friendship is not the sharing of knowledge only, it is the sharing of all that the heart holds inside, its tears and laughter, its joy and broken dreams and you seem to find it very difficult to share those. Love you Cleme and your vulnerability will be safe with us.
Babra, ever since you got married to Ike you never call me as often as you used to. Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss you like hell.
Eusebia, you said in your article that we can not choose our family and you were right but friends are the part of our family we get to choose. Thought about that because of my friendship with you, chose you to be the young sister I never had. If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you.
Monika welcome to our circle of friends, am looking forward to knowing you better.
TGJ calling you my best friend would be inapproprate because you are more than that, you know me more than a best friend would ever do, you are the other part of me without which I would not function. Need I repeat that i love you with all my heart and you make my life worth living. I appreciate the fact that you love it when I walk behind you in the golf course while you play golf, but have always wondered whether you drag me along to show-off my beauty to your golf mates or for the genuine love of my companionship.
I want to thank you my friends for giving me something no one else could but yourselves, thank you for giving me yourselves in friendship.
Have just received a text message from Agnes that says, "Cleme we have added more comments on Seby's blog and are waiting for yours. Love you." So I opened the blog and here I am adding my own comment.
ReplyDeleteChipo and Agnes did it ever occur to you that the fact that I never talk about my problems is because I won't have any problems at all. My life is just too perfect that sometimes I wonder if i am in heaven or on planet earth. I get on so well with my husband Tendai and we rarely disagree and the few times we do, we do so agreeably such that it is nothing to confide to friends about. My kids are so obedient and never give me any trouble. I love my job and am being paid handsomely. The house we live in here is quite beautiful and has all the neccessary amenities and electronic gadgets that are convenient & make my life easy. We have a beautiful house back home in a very posh surburb and are getting a couple of US dollars from it every month through renting it. I can afford to buy anything my family and I need.Thank you lord for giving me such a good life. This is my life in brief and honestly speaking with such a life what issue do you expect me to share with you, all I can share with you are my joys but knowing the pathetic situation back home if I tell you about my joys here in SA, it will seem as if ndirikukuvhairirai so I keep quiet about it. When there were xenophobic attacks here I did share with you my innermost fears concerning that, so I don't shut myself away from you my friends when there are issues in my life.
Anyway Chipo, i know my soul is not desolate as long as there is you for whom I can feel trust and reverence. I also know that nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in friendship.
Agnes, thank you for making me realise that true friends are like pillars on your porch, sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you and when they rarely hold you up they start to question if you are hiding something from them but that is all part of the real friendship quality in you that I love. Agnes my friend, the music we make together may stop now and then, but the strings which make the music will remain forever whether we find reason to hold each other up or not.
Babra, I thought I was the only one you were not phoning as often as you used to. Well, Babra my friend take note of Seby's comment and don't neglect us your woman friends because we are the ones who are going to be with you all the time, love may wane and husbands my disappoint but we will always be there, constant and loyal.
Eusebia, you are the friend that knows the song in my heart and responds to it with a beautiful harmony for you know the exquisite melody in my heart. To the world you might be a nobody, but to me you are a somebody that I treasure.
Monika because Seby loves you we also love you although we don't know anything about you.
Tendai, your love for me that keeps growing and overwhelms my heart with happiness makes me speechless. Our move to CapeTown has proved to be the best decision we made, because not only has it removed economic worries from our minds but it has also improved our relationship tremendously by moving us away from jealousy relatives who wanted to come between us.
When I'm asked what one happy thought I have I always say, "Knowing that I will always have Tendai and you my friends no matter what."
Hi Girls,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind welcome in your circle. I feel honoured and I sense some curiosity. It will be a challenge to catch up. It seems that your openness and sincere friendship should make it easy. Just to give you a few facts about my background. I am 47, single mother of my daughter Cara-Maria who is 16. I learned hotel business and travelled with my job for 7 years in Europe, 5 years I spent in England. Now I run my own small company in Germany. I am producing theatre events. It is fun, but I don’t make much money out of it. 4 years ago I had an incredible enlightenment which brought back my faith. I bless that day and what has changed since. I “met” Seby (I call her Eusebia) through visionforce which seems like a special gift. I don’t believe in coincidence, so we will recognise some meanings only when we look back. Even though I use computer and internet regularly I am not so much into blogging or chatting. I cannot promise to write regularly, but I monitor closely what is happening in your country. Some 20 years ago I travelled to Kenya for vacation. Other than that I was only looking at Africa with concern and at the same time with tenderness for the beauty and the cradle of mankind. However now I feel alarmed and at the same time I have a certainty that there is a reason why we got together. I want to be open for anything that might emerge. At the moment I just savour the invite from 4 lovely strong women while we all get drawn together by Eusebia’s incredible capacity for love. God bless the ground she is walking, the air she is breathing. God please listen to her prayers.
Girls how are you? Let me start by sharing with you my joys. Went with Ike to Nelson Mandela's Birthday bash which was held here on Friday and had a fantastic time. Ike thinks Madiba is the greatest visionary that ever walked the earth so there was no way that we could miss that bash. It was a touching moment when the 90 year old Mandela came on stage with Graca helping him to walk and gave a speech not about himself but about helping those with AIDS. Ike and myself cried thinking about how the old man had dedicated his birthday to think of AIDS victims and not about himself and how he was trying to divert people's minds not to think about his 27years in prison cell 46664 but to think about helping AIDS victims everytime they see that number. What makes most people hold him in reverence is that after fighting for the freedom of blacks in SA for many years and winning he didn't hold on to power like the man next door, he was willing to hand over the country he had been jailed for, for a quater of his life, to other leaders. Also the fact that after all the cruel treatments that he and black South Africans had been subjected to during the apartheud era, he remained a good person and urged all SA nationalists to forgive and forget and then reconcile after independence. That man is indeed a legend and we felt privileged to be part of his birthday bash.
ReplyDeleteEnough of that, let me apologise for not phoning you girls as often as I used to. Its because marriage is proving to be a full time job with no off days and I am enjoying every minute of it. Would you please understand that I had spent so many years leading a lonely life and am compensating all those years by concentrating on giving and recieving pleasure from Ike, and that leaves me with no time for you my friends. From now on I will try to create time and call you girls at least twice a month.
Chipo knowing you is knowing that i have someone with whom I can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed. You are a true friend because you are concerned about what I am becoming, you see beyond the present situation, and care deeply about me as a whole person. I love and care about you Chipo.
Agnes, no lapse of time or distance of place can lessen the friendship of those who are truly persuaded of each other's worth like you and me. A circle is round it has no end, that's how long I want to be your friend Agnes
so I am going to fill that hole in your life where I used to be with phone calls fortnightly and during the times I can't call fill the hole with cherished memories of the joys of our friendship.
Clemencia sha, there is no distance too great between friends, for love gives wings to the heart and I love you Cleme even though I haven't been phoning lately. Will change that in the coming weeks. In you Cleme, I feel I found a treasure because they say, a faithful friend is a strong defence and he that hath found one hath found a treasure.
Monika thank you for telling us more about yourself. If you read Seby's blog I guess you already know about us and our lives. We are a bunch of ladies who want try to add good value to our lives and try to help each other carry on life in peace, love and happiness. We are happy that you have become a part of us.
Eusebia, when we are grown, we'll smile and say we had no cares in childhoods day, but we'll be wrong. Twill not be true, I've this much care... I care for you. You know what Seby when we were growing up we always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter and cry. After my first marriage didn't work out I always sat down and chided myself for making a wrong choice in choosing a husband and it was only when I thought about the right choice I had made in choosing Seby as a friend that I felt better.
Ike recently you went through all the articles in Seby's blog and enjoyed yourself immensely especially the part where you are mentioned when you enter my life as Mr Nice Workmate. We had some good laughs about the time we visited that quiet and peaceful country inn and both wanted to jump into bed with each other but controlled ourselves. Anyway the message I want to dedicate to you Ike is that you are my gift from God, an answer to my prayers when I needed you most and I appreciate all the love you show me and will always love you. I also want to thank you for the strong unity of purpose and love we always portray to our kids which has made their efforts to come between us unfruitful. With time they are all going to accept that we love each other just as much as we love them and you and I are there to stay as a couple.
I sometimes wonder what a world without you my friends would be like, I guess it will be like a world without water, totally unlivable.