Disclaimer: This story about 85 year old Grandpa Hamudiamwe who is the chief of my village is pure fiction and any resemblance it might have to your own chief or your senile Grandpa or your own circus government is only a coinicidence. So all forms of intelligence should take it as such, a fictitious story which is a figment of my sharp imagination.
Grandpa Hamudiamwe is the fictitious chief of my village and for you to follow what I am going to say in this article, you could start by reading some of the articles in my archives that I wrote about him on this blog entitled:
1. Grandpa can't you see that your time is up.
2. Letter to Grandpa Hamudiamwe on Unity day
3. New Year letter to Grandpa
Dear Grandpa,
I have no time for greetings Grandpa, have to get straight to the main reason why I am writing this letter to you because I am livid with anger at the way you are allowing your "cronies" to ruin the little bit of respect that the villagers had left for you. Your inability to intelligently figure out that the actions of your cronies will sink the village deeper into the abyss that it is already in and your inability to stop them shows that your IQ has dropped drastically to very low levels. Grandpa you have completely lost it now, you have become senile and your doddering and gaga is going to make this village disappear not only from Google earth but in reality from being considered as a village by the whole wide world. I told you long ago before you had become senile that you have to step down from the chieftainship but you didn't listen to me, look now how you are not only embarrassing the villagers but destroying the village legacy. I knew that your becoming an imbecile while still on the throne would be ruinous to the village as those who purport to be your friends twist your mind pretending to be acting in your best interests yet their intention will be to fix you from within because of your refusal to handover power to one of them. Your cronies figure that since they all don't have the guts to tell you point blank to step down from the chieftainship position or mobilize the party to vote you out the only way they can deal with you is by destroying you while pretending to serve your interests. Grandpa lest your decrepit mind get it all wrong, my writing this letter to you is not because I am concerned with the way your cronies are messing with your mind and the little dignity that you have left. My concern is how their actions will adversely affect the village, maybe not immediately but in the long-term. It is this village that I am concerned about Grandpa. I love this village and all the villagers in it and my heart bleeds when I see you and your cronies using this village and its people to settle your scores. You and your cronies can squabble and declare cold war on each other, all you want, for all I care, but when the political dirty tricks you play on each other affect the welfare of the village and the villagers I become very concerned. I wouldn't care less if they ruin you because Grandpa you have become a liability to this village (because of the fact that you let your cronies violate the rule of law and disrespect property rights) but if in so doing they so much as touch on the lives of the ordinary villagers on the streets I will scream non-stop.
Anyway now that I have offloaded my frustrations, let me calm down and tell you exactly why I am ranting and raving like this. The matter that I wish to draw your attention to Grandpa is the recent specifying of one of the most successful businesses in the village which is listed on the stock exchange. There was a boardroom wrangle going on internally in the company and your government ministers chose to become the judge and the jury in the wrangle and intervene in favor of the Christian, without hearing both sides of the story. I know that the business acumen of you and your government ministers leave a lot to be desired but honestly didn't it ever occur to you how badly that would impact on investor confidence and the much needed foreign direct investment. If it had been the first time for such a mistake to happen I would understand but this same mistake happened years back in 2003 when your friends GG and PC went on a specifying spree targeting every black prominent business person in the village who was doing well. I strongly suspect that this move was part of an espionage plot by some of your so called friends to sabotage the village's economy. The businesses that were targeted where making a great significant contribution to the economy, to the GDP and their closure contributed heavily on the gradual decline of the economy to pathetic levels. The TM group of companies that was specified recently is one of the best companies in the village that managed to withstand the abnormally high hyper-inflation in the village in the past ten years and kept on making profits in spite of the ravaged economy. It is such companies that you and your government ministers should treat with high respect Grandpa because they are the ones which keep the economy running. This recent specification of the TM group of companies in the village makes me suspect that the espionage plot by some of your cronies to economically sabotage the village's economy is still going on. My suspicions are not based on this issue alone but also on the issue of the fresh wave of farm invasions and the chaotic new constitution-making process which are all issues that are further driving away investor confidence and FDI.
You will no doubt, Grandpa, appreciate that your inability to control your cronies some of whom are or were government ministers has been a sore point for the people of this village and is the main reason why the people of this village voted you out of power as from 2000 and every election after that. Had it not been for the rigging capabilities of your cronies you would have been in the archives of ex-chiefs by now.
The way you and your cronies are not upholding the rule of law and respecting property rights has many negative consequences for the village Grandpa. It makes it extremely difficult for the villagers to have confidence in you and your power sharing government. It makes it extremely difficult for other villages to respect this village or want to be associated with this village, be it on social or business grounds. The entire village under you leadership Grandpa has been severely compromised and it was your national responsibility to prevent that. Grandpa it is impossible to believe that all this assault at the village's economic progress since you signed the notorious power-sharing agreement is happening behind your back unless you are telling me that you have become so senile that you are no longer authorizing what goes on in this village and live someone else to do it for you. If you are the one authorizing all these dreadful moves after your senile brain is convinced to do so by your henchmen then I advise you to question and ponder if your henchmen are doing it for the good of the village which would improve your badly painted image or are doing it so as to further destroy the village and by so doing completely destroy the minute goodness that the villagers associate you with. From this far distance where I stand this could be a chieftainship takeover bid strategy that is so cleverly planned that to the mediocre minded brain or senile brain it would appear as if your henchmen are working for you, yet in actual fact they are working against you.
Let me conclude this letter by saying this again, "I wouldn't care less if your cronies declare a cold war on you Grandpa but if in so doing they so much as touch on the lives of the ordinary villagers on the streets I will scream non-stop and try to stop them with the only weapon I have, namely these writings on my blog."
Your sincere grand-daughter Stillwaters (the one you disowned for disagreeing with your methods of ruling)
Grandpa what is that I hear about you taking back Professor JM into your confidence when he is the main culprit responsible for killing democracy in this village by coming up with undemocratic bills. I know that you don't give a damn about democracy but the majority of the village population love democracy Grandpa and if you want their support you have got to learn to let go communism and learn to embrace democracy. Grandpa JM as well as your cronies PC, GG, TM, IC and believe it or not your political henchman who has ambitions to takeover from you when you retire are the people who seem to be carrying out the espionage plot to sabotage the village and in so doing bring you down from the high throne with shame. If you doubt me just try to think back to the past actions of each of these people and the negative effect those actions had on the village. PC together with GG were behind the specifying of prominent businessmen in the village the result of which was the gradual collapse of the economy. JM and PC were responsible for coming up with undemocratic bills that promoted no rule of law in the country. IC was responsible for the notorious and inhuman, "Operation No Dirt" that made the world hate you Grandpa. TM is responsible for the most recent farm invasions that shouted to the whole world that property rights are not respected in the village and chased away investors from the village. And the henchman who wants you to handover the reins of power to him when you retire is the man behind the recent post-election violence against opposition members which made the world think that you were the devil incarnate. All these people's actions show that they had a hidden economic sabotage agenda. How you fail to see through their actions beats me Grandpa and convinces me that you surely has become senile. Please, just don't let your senile actions and reactions affect this village and its people.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
The precarious state of the English Language on the tounges of politicians.

Confused by the smoke-screen phrases of the political terminologists
Politicians are adept at "spinning" the details of the truth and coming up with some English phrases to advance their own agenda. One such phrase, Calculated Risk, has been going around among politicians and statesmen the world over. Lately I made some study of the smoke-screen phrases of the political terminologists and they have to be described rather than defined. Calculated Risk can be described like this. " We have every hope and assurance that the plan will be successful, but if it doesn't work we knew all the time it wouldn't and said so."
There is a kind of menacing meaninglessness in a great deal of modern political phraseology. Take for example the way Tsvangirai prefers to call the economic sanctions that he asked the West to impose on Zimbabwe way back in 2000 (when Zanu-PF unfairly won the elections amid pre-election violence, inaccessibility of the media to opposition parties and accusations of rigging) smart sanctions or targeted sanctions. What is so smart about the sanctions imposed by the ZIDERA bill which was drafted with the help of an MDC white parliamentarian and passed by the American Congress in 2000? It is this bill that makes it impossible for Zimbabwe to access any lines of credit, so tell me what is so smart about the ZIDERA sanctions and how can they be called targeted when they target the whole Zimbabwe nation?
On the other hand we have the die-hard communist, Mugabe, whose every action and reaction screams out loud, "Communism!," clinging on to communism, a political ideology that is on the verge of becoming extinct just as he clings to power at his, "waiting for God," age. I can imagine the kind of communist political terminology that whirls around in his aged brain as he stubbornly refuses to fire Gono or allow Transparency International to carry out an audit on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe financial accounts as from 1980 to the present day. I am sure the Marxist words that Mugabe uses to justify his refusal are Obscurantism and Obfuscationism. The meaning of these two words can be described like this, "You are seeking to distort our objectives by exposing them to the scrutiny of the unfairest of all bourgeois virtues, namely truth and justice."
And then there is Mbeki's smoke-screen political phrase, "Quiet Diplomacy," which he used to make Tsvangirai, Mugabe and Mutambara agree to an embraceable impasse which he then named with another smoke-screen political phrase called the GNU. Mbeki's Quiet Diplomacy can be described like this, "The ability to circumvent a fair long-lasting political solution and make the disagreeing parties be content with an unfair substitute solution." Government of National Unity can be described like this, "The suffocation of democracy by including in the government members of parties that lost elections and then rigged the results and unleashed violence on the opposition party members."
Dear God, save the English Language from the tongues of politicians who hammer and panel beat it to suit their own political agendas. As you the omnipotent God is very much aware of, these days because of genetically modified food that the human race is consuming, the brain of the human species is now largely made up of laboratory manufactured chemicals and media propaganda with very little capability to think and discern through the maze that is life. As a result how not to understand what should be clear is becoming easier and easier for most people. Discernment, humanness, soundness and sincerity of which gleams and stains can still be found in the human brain under powerful microscopes, flourish only in a culture of clarification, which is now becoming a rare commodity and politicians are making its scarcity worse by the political phrases they conjure up in their heads to justify their political dirty tricks. So dear God in saving the English Language from the tongues of politicians you would have saved the human race from the dirty tricks of politicians. This will not save Man from himself, for sure but it would help in the coming struggle for a world regime of sense and sanity. Amen.
Dear readers you can choose to enjoy the humor in this article or you can choose to be irritated by it and say, " What does she know about politics, she who only English knows," the choice is yours.
You can't change or quiten me

I can't be switched off like the way we switch off our TV sets.
Ever since I made the decision to stand up for what I believe in and voice my objective opinion about life and politics with no holds barred through this blog I have ruffled some feathers, rattled some comfort zones, dug up the skeletons in the cupboards and made people know of the wolves in sheep's clothing. As a result I have made a lot of enemies, some of whom would want to quieten me, some of whom suspect my intelligence to be not my own but linked to some organisation or activist group, some of whom think that I have political ambitions and am inclined to some party or other. Some have even gone to the extend of putting me under surveillance, searching my house when my family and I are out, blocking my blog so that it can't be accessed in Zimbabwe, listening to all my calls at home and at work, as well as creating some dirt about me. Messing up with my life one way or the other. I am sure if I drove everyday an accident would have been organised a long time ago.
As a result many times I have thought of keeping quiet about politics and be voiceless and as passive and docile as most of my fellow Zimbabweans but I just can't seem to be able to do that especially when I see injustice, corruption, unprofessionalism and unethical behavior being perpetrated by prominent people to the disadvantage of the ordinary man on the street. I always find myself writing about it on my blog because I believe that it is the truth spoken out that will eventually help in healing the world and make it the peaceful haven full of love and happiness that all humans who are not inhuman long for. I also believe in stopping evil from triumphing by doing something to stop it and the only way I know how is by making it come out in the open using my passion for writing.
All those who hate me out there please be informed that I am just a nonentity with a big mouth, (or should I say a big pen or keyboard because in reality I am very quiet by nature and only say too much when I am writing. Because of my quietness which is in sharp contrast to my saying too much when I am writing I have earned the nickname, Stillwaters.) who just can't seem to keep quiet about some political injustices. I have no political ambitions whatsoever and do not belong to any party or intelligence organisation. The political opinions that I write on my blog are my own individual opinions and not a represantation of the thoughts of any party, organisation or activist group. I intend to remain a neutral citizen who doesn't belong to any political party so that I continue to give an unbiased objective political opinion without favour or bias due to allegiance towards any particular political party I would have joined. My intention in writing my opinions is not to insult, belittle or cause the political fall from grace of anyone. I have got nothing against any politician and hold no personal grudges with anyone in the whole wide world. What I am against is some of the politicians' deeds, misdeeds and policies that they come up with as well as the fact that they tend to abuse their offices and neglect the ordinary men on the streets who voted them into power. My intention in writing my political opinions on my blog is to try and make right what I find wrong.
I will not stop writing about how I think that Gono and Tomana should be removed from their public office positions and my thinking so does not mean that I support MDC. I will not stop pin-pointing Tsvangirai's weakness of not being able to outwit Mugabe and my saying so does not mean that I support Zanu-PF. I will not stop giving Mutambara credit when he makes a brilliant speech like the one he made in parliament sometime ago and my praising that speech does not mean that I support his party. I will not stop pointing out how I think Simba Makoni has the potential of being the perfect President of Zimbabwe if only he would make it a habit to voice his political opinions often so that people get to know what he is all about and my saying this does not mean that I am a member of his party. I will not stop pointing out that Zapu's downside is the tribalism tendencies of most Ndebeles and my saying so does not mean that I have got anything against the Ndebeles. I will not stop pointing out that Zanu-PF is indirectly destroying the country by not upholding the rule of law in the country and disrespecting the GPA that it signed during the formation of the GNU. See, I can objectively say whatever I want about any party, such is the freedom of not belonging to any particular party.
Let me also take this opportunity to tell whoever has been trying to quieten me that all your efforts to do that are a waste of time. You can tail me around the clock, violate my privacy and mess my life all you want but that won't change me. Just as it is impossible to catch a cloud and pin it down, just as it is impossible to keep a wave upon the sand, just as it is impossible to hold a moonbeam in your hand, it is just as impossible to put the oddball that is me into your box. You just can't change who I am to suit you. Only God can change me but he doesn't want to change me because he made me the way I am for a reason and loves me like that. It's about time whoever is out there stalking me to close my file with these words, "Operation quieten Eusebia aborted because she is harmless and we have failed to find anything to pin her down or blackmail her with and she is protected by angels that make her untouchable so the conclusion is mission impossible,"
I will always be me no matter what, just let me be me in peace.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thank you Jesus for peace, love and happiness.

Today I prayed for peace, love and happiness for all readers of this blog.

Today I thanked God for my life and the lives of everyone who reads this blog.

Peace, perfect peace comes from God and I pray that it engulfs the lives of all readers of this blog.

Jesus is the epitome of love and I pray that he enables every reader of this blog to experience love.

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you so dear readers don't worry, be happy.

Every time I am asked to pray, I think of the old deacon who always prayed,
Lord, prop us up on our leanin' side.'
After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently.
He answered, 'Well sir, you see, it's like this... I got an old barn out back.
It's been there a long time;
It's withstood a lot of weather;
It's gone through a lot of storms,
And it's stood for many years.
It's still standing.
But one day I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit.
So I went and got some pine poles and propped it up on its leaning side so it wouldn't fall.
Then I got to thinking about that and how much I was like that old barn.
I've been around a long time.
I've withstood a lot of life's storms.
I've withstood a lot of bad weather in life,
I've withstood a lot of hard times,
And I'm still standing too.
But I find myself leaning to one side from time to time,
So I like to ask the Lord to prop us up on our leaning side,
Cause I figure a lot of us get to leaning at times.
Sometimes we get to leaning toward anger,
Leaning toward bitterness,
Leaning toward hatred,
Leaning toward a lot of things that we shouldn't.
So we need to pray,
Lord, prop us up on our leaning side,
So we will stand straight and tall again,
To Glorify The Lord.
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