Confused by the smoke-screen phrases of the political terminologists
Politicians are adept at "spinning" the details of the truth and coming up with some English phrases to advance their own agenda. One such phrase, Calculated Risk, has been going around among politicians and statesmen the world over. Lately I made some study of the smoke-screen phrases of the political terminologists and they have to be described rather than defined. Calculated Risk can be described like this. " We have every hope and assurance that the plan will be successful, but if it doesn't work we knew all the time it wouldn't and said so."
There is a kind of menacing meaninglessness in a great deal of modern political phraseology. Take for example the way Tsvangirai prefers to call the economic sanctions that he asked the West to impose on Zimbabwe way back in 2000 (when Zanu-PF unfairly won the elections amid pre-election violence, inaccessibility of the media to opposition parties and accusations of rigging) smart sanctions or targeted sanctions. What is so smart about the sanctions imposed by the ZIDERA bill which was drafted with the help of an MDC white parliamentarian and passed by the American Congress in 2000? It is this bill that makes it impossible for Zimbabwe to access any lines of credit, so tell me what is so smart about the ZIDERA sanctions and how can they be called targeted when they target the whole Zimbabwe nation?
On the other hand we have the die-hard communist, Mugabe, whose every action and reaction screams out loud, "Communism!," clinging on to communism, a political ideology that is on the verge of becoming extinct just as he clings to power at his, "waiting for God," age. I can imagine the kind of communist political terminology that whirls around in his aged brain as he stubbornly refuses to fire Gono or allow Transparency International to carry out an audit on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe financial accounts as from 1980 to the present day. I am sure the Marxist words that Mugabe uses to justify his refusal are Obscurantism and Obfuscationism. The meaning of these two words can be described like this, "You are seeking to distort our objectives by exposing them to the scrutiny of the unfairest of all bourgeois virtues, namely truth and justice."
And then there is Mbeki's smoke-screen political phrase, "Quiet Diplomacy," which he used to make Tsvangirai, Mugabe and Mutambara agree to an embraceable impasse which he then named with another smoke-screen political phrase called the GNU. Mbeki's Quiet Diplomacy can be described like this, "The ability to circumvent a fair long-lasting political solution and make the disagreeing parties be content with an unfair substitute solution." Government of National Unity can be described like this, "The suffocation of democracy by including in the government members of parties that lost elections and then rigged the results and unleashed violence on the opposition party members."
Dear God, save the English Language from the tongues of politicians who hammer and panel beat it to suit their own political agendas. As you the omnipotent God is very much aware of, these days because of genetically modified food that the human race is consuming, the brain of the human species is now largely made up of laboratory manufactured chemicals and media propaganda with very little capability to think and discern through the maze that is life. As a result how not to understand what should be clear is becoming easier and easier for most people. Discernment, humanness, soundness and sincerity of which gleams and stains can still be found in the human brain under powerful microscopes, flourish only in a culture of clarification, which is now becoming a rare commodity and politicians are making its scarcity worse by the political phrases they conjure up in their heads to justify their political dirty tricks. So dear God in saving the English Language from the tongues of politicians you would have saved the human race from the dirty tricks of politicians. This will not save Man from himself, for sure but it would help in the coming struggle for a world regime of sense and sanity. Amen.
Dear readers you can choose to enjoy the humor in this article or you can choose to be irritated by it and say, " What does she know about politics, she who only English knows," the choice is yours.
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