I can't be switched off like the way we switch off our TV sets.
Ever since I made the decision to stand up for what I believe in and voice my objective opinion about life and politics with no holds barred through this blog I have ruffled some feathers, rattled some comfort zones, dug up the skeletons in the cupboards and made people know of the wolves in sheep's clothing. As a result I have made a lot of enemies, some of whom would want to quieten me, some of whom suspect my intelligence to be not my own but linked to some organisation or activist group, some of whom think that I have political ambitions and am inclined to some party or other. Some have even gone to the extend of putting me under surveillance, searching my house when my family and I are out, blocking my blog so that it can't be accessed in Zimbabwe, listening to all my calls at home and at work, as well as creating some dirt about me. Messing up with my life one way or the other. I am sure if I drove everyday an accident would have been organised a long time ago.
As a result many times I have thought of keeping quiet about politics and be voiceless and as passive and docile as most of my fellow Zimbabweans but I just can't seem to be able to do that especially when I see injustice, corruption, unprofessionalism and unethical behavior being perpetrated by prominent people to the disadvantage of the ordinary man on the street. I always find myself writing about it on my blog because I believe that it is the truth spoken out that will eventually help in healing the world and make it the peaceful haven full of love and happiness that all humans who are not inhuman long for. I also believe in stopping evil from triumphing by doing something to stop it and the only way I know how is by making it come out in the open using my passion for writing.
All those who hate me out there please be informed that I am just a nonentity with a big mouth, (or should I say a big pen or keyboard because in reality I am very quiet by nature and only say too much when I am writing. Because of my quietness which is in sharp contrast to my saying too much when I am writing I have earned the nickname, Stillwaters.) who just can't seem to keep quiet about some political injustices. I have no political ambitions whatsoever and do not belong to any party or intelligence organisation. The political opinions that I write on my blog are my own individual opinions and not a represantation of the thoughts of any party, organisation or activist group. I intend to remain a neutral citizen who doesn't belong to any political party so that I continue to give an unbiased objective political opinion without favour or bias due to allegiance towards any particular political party I would have joined. My intention in writing my opinions is not to insult, belittle or cause the political fall from grace of anyone. I have got nothing against any politician and hold no personal grudges with anyone in the whole wide world. What I am against is some of the politicians' deeds, misdeeds and policies that they come up with as well as the fact that they tend to abuse their offices and neglect the ordinary men on the streets who voted them into power. My intention in writing my political opinions on my blog is to try and make right what I find wrong.
I will not stop writing about how I think that Gono and Tomana should be removed from their public office positions and my thinking so does not mean that I support MDC. I will not stop pin-pointing Tsvangirai's weakness of not being able to outwit Mugabe and my saying so does not mean that I support Zanu-PF. I will not stop giving Mutambara credit when he makes a brilliant speech like the one he made in parliament sometime ago and my praising that speech does not mean that I support his party. I will not stop pointing out how I think Simba Makoni has the potential of being the perfect President of Zimbabwe if only he would make it a habit to voice his political opinions often so that people get to know what he is all about and my saying this does not mean that I am a member of his party. I will not stop pointing out that Zapu's downside is the tribalism tendencies of most Ndebeles and my saying so does not mean that I have got anything against the Ndebeles. I will not stop pointing out that Zanu-PF is indirectly destroying the country by not upholding the rule of law in the country and disrespecting the GPA that it signed during the formation of the GNU. See, I can objectively say whatever I want about any party, such is the freedom of not belonging to any particular party.
Let me also take this opportunity to tell whoever has been trying to quieten me that all your efforts to do that are a waste of time. You can tail me around the clock, violate my privacy and mess my life all you want but that won't change me. Just as it is impossible to catch a cloud and pin it down, just as it is impossible to keep a wave upon the sand, just as it is impossible to hold a moonbeam in your hand, it is just as impossible to put the oddball that is me into your box. You just can't change who I am to suit you. Only God can change me but he doesn't want to change me because he made me the way I am for a reason and loves me like that. It's about time whoever is out there stalking me to close my file with these words, "Operation quieten Eusebia aborted because she is harmless and we have failed to find anything to pin her down or blackmail her with and she is protected by angels that make her untouchable so the conclusion is mission impossible,"
I will always be me no matter what, just let me be me in peace.
I finally got this article and it was worth the search.In it's socio-politico way it's as emotional as the romantics you treat with finesse. Without provoking some other hearts I would fall for the Eusebia you describe here. Literally. I am surprised you call yourself quiet. My picture of you is that of a radiant executive woman oozing with confidence (please don't feel offended I am a man and appreciate beauty where I see it). It's a small world and with some luck of the draw I could meet you one day and for 5 or so minutes verify if you are as quiet as you say. You are as loud with the pen. Again without provoking other hearts Murimi weZviyo having done his farming in fairly temperate climates, would not be cowed away from the Eusebia you describe.
ReplyDeleteNdiri womunyama, ndakambotukigwa kuinda off topic on your other page. My best
Murimi WeZviyo