The true value of life

The true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like, love, peace & happiness.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day with every person I come in contact with. I believe the little things matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of policies and politicians, I choose to remain an active positive force in helping to heal the world. You and I can heal the world.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mugabe, not everything in Zimbabwe is about you

It was with profound sorrow that I learnt that the ex-minister of foreign affairs who is acting that post at present, Mumbengegwi, had snubbed the humanitarian elders, Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter & Graca Machel who wanted to visit the country to assess the hunger, poverty & cholera pandemic so that they recommend the right humanitarian aid needed in Zimbabwe to some donor agencies. There is no way that Mumbengegwi could have snubbed these humanitarian elders without Mugabe's orders. Instead of welcoming the humanitarians with open arms since they were going to open doors of help for what he calls his people, he as usual thought their visit was about him and his governance. Could somebody please tell Mugabe that not everything that happens in Zimbabwe is about him. The man has become so paranoid that we are afraid that the paranoia coupled with senility might be bordering on insanity. These humanitarian elders represented hope for a troubled, hungry, sick & dying people, & to snub them or deny them entrance into the country is to deny the Zimbabwean people the much needed help that was going to make them survive the terrible & pathetic situation they are in. I personally think that by barring those humanitarian elders Mugabe has completely divorced himself from the needs of the Zimbabwean people & in the process officially lost the right to call Zimbabweans, "my people." Surely if we were his people he wouldn't be so indifferent to the hunger & cholera pandemic taking the lives of quite a number of Zimbabweans every single day. My heart bleeds for my fellow Zimbabweans who are dying from hunger & cholera & I get angry knowing that someone is barring humanitarians from coming in to help. It seems that, that someone has completely lost his conscience. How he can actually sleep peacefully at night without being haunted by such a decision that reeks of death from hunger & cholera for many Zimbabweans really shows how inhuman he has become. All Zimbabweans are not amused by his decision & are praying to God to make him see reason.

To my fellow Zimbabweans I say to you don't make this show of indifference by Mugabe & his former ministers make you loose hope, don't drown in despair. Maybe these words that Vuyisile Zenani, a South african friend of mine, living in Cape Town, who is an environmentalist & a theologian said to me to strengthen me as I go through life in a Zimbabwe that has collapsed will also strengthen you. He said that we Zimbabweans are like dough that God has put in the oven to bake. We can feel the extreme heat in the oven & are emitting an aroma that is screaming to God that we are done & he should get us out of the oven. But God will not be rushed, he is baking us for a reason & he alone knows the time stipulated in his recipe which is when he will get us out of the oven. When we have turned out into the perfect bread that he wants us to be he is going to get us out of the oven & we will have turned out to be the benchmark bread that everyone prefers to any other brand. So my fellow Zimbabweans somehow just hang in there in the extreme heat & know that when you are done you are going to be so full of substance that within a year you would have become the bread of choice globally.

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