That dear readers is a picture of me taken as I blogged my mind and heart away recently.
Somewhere beneath the rubble of every endeavour gone awry are the tiny seeds of goodness and if you dig for and plant these seeds you will grow a forest of mighty trees to shade you from the scorching heat of your life's midday, and to shield you from the howling winds of the world's confusion so that you experience peace, love & happiness even amid the rubble of life. That is what I did with the pathetic economic situation in Zimbabwe, beneath the economic rubble of this nation I delved deep for one tiny seed of goodness that came out of it and found it in my now trim and sexy looking body that used to be fat and unattractive. That, dear readers is a great consolation to me because I had tried so many diets but alas I remained fat. Had even tried going to the gym but after the workouts I would feel so hungry that my normal food intake would double so going to the gym actually had the opposite effect to the one I intended. I am sure I am not the only one in Zimbabwe whose body shed off all the extra weight because of the bad economic situation in the country, so you will agree with me that something good did come out of it.
Below are pictures of me when I was still fat.

That is me on a bad day, crying in bed as I drink my coffee, the economic strain had become too bad for me to take in without tears.
When we started experiencing food shortages in Zimbabwe , when the economy became so bad that some of us could only afford to have one meal a day and when business people started selling food in US dollars and South African Rands yet we were getting paid in worthless Zimbabwean dollars, I started losing weight and ended up having this gorgeous body structure that makes men stare at me with admiration and makes fat women stare at me with envy. My being overweight had resulted in me suffering from a high blood pressure and sometimes I would have some abnormal heart palpitations but that is all history now, my blood pressure level is now very normal and I no longer have any heart palpitations. That is the other seed of goodness that came out of the world record hyper-inflation in Zimbabwe, all health problems caused by over-eating were eliminated in most people.
Below are pictures of happier and slimmer me.
That is me eating healthy, had to adapt to a vegetable diet because I no longer can afford to buy meat.

Even when things get normal in Zimbabwe and I can afford to buy all the food I want, I will make sure that I will maintain a healthy diet so that I maintain this attractive slim body that makes clothes fit perfectly and that has boosted my confidence to high levels. But most important of all I will maintain a healthy diet so that blood pressure and heart problems remain buried in my health history and never come back into my life again. That dear readers is how I am going to plant these two tiny seeds of goodness (an attractive slim body and a healthy body devoid of blood pressure and heart problems)that I dug out from the Zimbawean economic rubble, so that they grow a forest of mighty trees (a healthy & attractive body) to shade me from the scorching heat of my life's midday, and to shield me from the howling winds of the world's confusion so that I experience peace, love & happiness even amid the economic rubble in Zimbabwe.
I love the slim body that I have now, it makes me feel beautiful.
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