In pursuit of more knowledge I have started some advanced educational programme that is taking most of my time. I started lessons on Monday and have been busy ever
since such that I see myself not getting as much time to blog my mind away as I used to. Will still write on this blog of course, writing is my passion, but will not be writing everyday.
The good thing about this programme is that everyday we have lessons online via skype chat conference connections with the lecturer and my classmates with webcams connected, that enable us to actually see each other while we interact in the online classroom. It's really amazing, this leverage of technology and I being a technology lover am enjoying myself immensely. I want to convey my immense gratitude to my anonymous sponsor who is one of you readers out there. He/She read my articles on this blog and was so impressed, thought I had a lot of intellectual potential that he/she could invest in and paid tuition for me, for some online degree at some University in USA. I am not sure whether to call it a scholarship, or a bursary, or a benevolent fund but what I am sure of is that this person is the missing angel or some saint and I wish he/she would come out in the open and tell me who he/she but I was told that he/she said we will meet the day I will graduate. I live for that day which is in four years time. Life is turning out to be very interesting for me, I am so happy to be doing this degree, it is something I have always wanted to do but didn't have the money to pursue. Words are failing to express the gratitude I am feeling and how happy I am feeling, its so intense and therefore unexplainable.
It's only four days since we started the online lessons but already I have become so popular with my contributions in the class which my classmates always find unique, philosophical, humanity-filled and topped with some sly humour. Some of them didn't even know where Zimbabwe is and those who knew thought Zimbabweans were so backward and dull which is why they let Mugabe and his cronies step all over their rights. They were surprised to hear me talk so intelligently in each of the ten subjects and some of them had to ask me if I had been in Zimbabwe all my life or had actually done my education in some Western nation. The perception that most people have about Zimbabweans is very wrong and I am happy that I have been given the chance to correct that perception in this online classroom that I am a part of.
You might be wondering why I am not telling you exactly what programme I am doing and with what University. I don't want my boss and my workmates to know because the last time I embarked on some part time study and told my boss and workmates about it they heaped a lot of work on me so that I don't get free time to study and I had to shout to the boss my piece of mind for him to allow me to go on study leave when it was towards writing exams, he had refused to allow me to go on study leave. Such is the calibre of most managers here in Zimbabwe, instead of encouraging employees to reach their full potential they instead make sure they nip you in the bud so that you stay were you are and can never have a higher position than them or earn more money than them. No wonder Zimbabwe is taking so long to become a developed nation.
Anyway let me conclude this post by saying I am not doing this course so that I take anyone's position, am doing it for my own stisfaction. Had to say that just in case the boss or a workmate stumbles on this article.
I will be in touch with you dear readers, will update you about my progress.
Love, peace and happiness always

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