New Zimbabwe has just arrived, albeit not in the democratic way we all would have loved it to happen but it has indeed come all the same. It was yesterday that Morgan Tsvangirai the leader of the MDC was sworn in as Prime Minister and Zimbabweans are ecstatic and applauding him for putting the needs of the people above the relentless pursuit of democracy in the true meaning of the word. Democracy the way we understand it has been shrugged of by this coalition government which is not a result of free and fair democratic elections but most Zimbabweans are not worried about that. Democracy has been made to wait awhile until the near death nation has been rescucitated, until the suffering of the people due to the economic collapse in the country has been eliminated, until the sick have been saved from dying because of lack of hospital treatment and until the education system has been revived. I personally think Tsvangirai and the MDC made a good decision and am going to support the coalition government by doing my part in rebuilding the nation, I believe that the change I want to see in this nation has to begin with me.
Is it just me or do you also think of music every time something good happens in your life. Today as I rejoiced over the swearing in of Tsvangirai as Prime Minister the song, " A new day has come," by Celine Dion invaded my mind because I had been waiting for so long for a miracle to happen in Zimbabwe and reverse the plight of the suffering people. Everyone told me to be strong, to hold on and not shed a tear.
Through the darkness and good times, I knew I'd make it through, was determined to survive it all and not be counted as one of the dead victims of cholera or hunger.
The suffering in Zimbabwe, everywhere I looked felt like I was in a tunnel where I could not see the light but, hush now I see a light in the sky. Oh it's almost blinding me, feels like the country has been touched by an angel with love.
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears, let it fill my soul and drown my fears, let it shatter the walls for a new sun. A new day has come.
Where it was dark now there's light, where there was pain now's there's joy, where there was weakness I found my strength, all in the eyes of a new day that has come in Zimbabwe. Hush now, a new day has come.
Below is a widget with the lyrics of this song that I am celebrating this wonderful day in the history of Zimbabwe with.
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