Valentine's day painted the world red today and Cupid, is being overworked as he points his love arrow from one heart to another. My love arrow shot was a long range one but thanks to technology it reached its target. In case you don't know who Cupid is, let me introduce her to you. She is the love fairy whom we were told as we grew up is responsible for love match-making in the whole wide world. Everybody's love life is dependent on her bow and arrow which she uses to aim at our hearts so that we open our hearts to the love of someone she would have chosen for us. This is one fairy tale that I never did question as much as I questioned Cinderella or any of the others that were part of our childhood, and maybe that is why I turned out to be such a romantic. Anyway today Valentine's day I put thoughts of politics and philosophising about life aside and filled my mind with only thoughts of Cupid and his works.

For Cupid surely took his arrow recently and landed it with aim right at the centre of my heart. It pierced the hardened armour of this heart of mine and penetrated the thick wall I had built around myself for fear of being hurt again. Cupid then landed on my shoulder, and told me about this authentic man in a land afar, and how his love for me would be true and honest and he would never let me down. All I needed was to open my heart, and get ready to receive the love. With his great aim, Cupid will join our hearts as one, and tell us of a lasting love that will sprout between us. Then he(Cupid) whispered in my ear, instructions for its care, and made sure I understood that in all of life, we should give love the greatest value it deserves. Said I needed to water it daily, with the essence of my love, to shelter it from anything that might rain down from above. Then Cupid told me to feed it from my very heart, to hold it close within me and never let it drift apart, and that if I cared daily, for this new love that he bestowed, I would be happier than ever, for it would be the greatest love known. And as Cupid flew away, I stopped and looked around, and there before my wondering eyes stood the most perfect love ever found. For a noble man stood there patiently waiting, for my heart to lift its shroud. He held out his hands to me, and together we lifted up into the clouds and as we drifted off in love, Cupid smiled unto himself, for he knew within his own heart that love would be our greatest wealth.

That was me daydreaming today about Cupid the love fairy bringing me a real valentine, the man of my dreams for us to spent the day together. I decided to spent the day with my little daughter Emma at a once beautiful but now neglected picnic spot at Willis Dam in Greendale, near my parents' home. It is a quiet, secluded place and it was an appropriate place for me today because I din't want to come across couples and lovers celebrating their love while I wallow in loneliness and then end up dropping a tear or two.
My Valentine's day in pictures taken by my daughter Emma.

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