The true value of life

The true value of life is not found in riches or fame, it is found in the simple finer things in life like, love, peace & happiness.
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace, love & happiness. Now I believe that I have the ability to create all that every day with every person I come in contact with. I believe the little things matter just as much as the big ones. Rather than feeling like a victim of policies and politicians, I choose to remain an active positive force in helping to heal the world. You and I can heal the world.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I will not bury my feelings

As children many of us were encouraged not to wear our
hearts on our sleeves. Perhaps our parents didnt want to
see us hurt, so they discouraged enthusiasms they thought
would lead to disappointment. Perhaps they couldn't stand
to see us hurting, so they urged us to show a happy face to
the world. Perhaps nobody actually told us to hide our
emotions but as we grew we simply figured out that it seemed
easier to do so since if we expressed our feelings we ran the risk
of appearing stupid or being vulnerable to hurt, to embarassment
or to failure or being misunderstood. Perhaps we just didn't want
to offload our feelings on others and make them uncomfortable
with our emotions or we thought by hiding our feelings we wouldn't
have to deal with the wild uncharted country of those feelings.

As adults we may continue this habit of burying our feelings or
some event may jolt us into emotion - love or happiness or rage or
grief that we can't bury. Such  an event affords us an opportunity to
unearth our feelings. If we resist expressing our feelings, we run the
risk of becoming numb and yet  we have to be able to feel feeilngs
for us express them and become able to deal with them.

I believe that a visionary gets the power to stand through tuning
in to his/her own feelings and then risking expressing them and then
harnessing those feelings to enable himself/herself to make the change
that he/she wants to see in the world.

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